Texas Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws

Carry allowed with my Texas permit?
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Summary of Texas Gun Laws

Texas is a shall-issue state, with concealed weapons licenses issued at the state level by the Department of Public Safety.

There is no permit, background check or firearms registration required when buying a handgun from a private individual.

As of Sept. 1, 2021, permitless concealed carry and open carry is legal for anyone at least 21 years old who may lawfully possess a handgun. The new law applies to both open carry in a holster and concealed carry, where no part of the firearm is visible. Texas law is quite specific in that openly carried handguns must be kept in a holster. Texas LTCs are issued to both residents and non-residents who are at least 21 years of age (18 if a member or veteran of the U.S. military). They require a four- to six-hour training course as well as passing both a written exam and a shooting proficiency demonstration. Some areas are off-limits, including racetracks and secure areas of airports. In terms of reciprocity, since Texas allows permitless carry, any person 21 years of age and older who can legally possess a firearm may carry a concealed firearm on his or her person without a license or permit.

*United States District Judge Mark T. Pittman ruled that 18 to 20 year olds must be allowed to carry a handgun outside the home in Texas. He allowed this to be done by letting them get a Texas license to carry. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will now issue a Texas LTC to anyone that is at least 18 years old. On Jan. 10, 2023, the Office of General Counsel sent a memo to DPS offices directing them to no longer enforce the state law that bars adults under 21 from carrying handguns in public.

Deadly Force in Defense of Person

The actor’s belief that deadly force was immediately necessary as described by that subdivision is presumed to be reasonable if the actor:

  • Knew or had reason to believe that the person against whom the deadly force was used:
    • Unlawfully and with force entered or was attempting to enter the actor’s occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;
    • Unlawfully and with force removed or was attempting to remove the actor from the actor’s habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or
    • Was committing or attempting to commit aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery or aggravated robbery.

A person who uses deadly force within a residence, business, dwelling or vehicle is presumed to have held a reasonable belief of imminent death or serious bodily injury to self, family, a member of the household or a person visiting as an invited guest when the force is used against someone who unlawfully and forcibly entered the place.

Deadly Force to Protect Property

A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:

  • If one would be justified in using force against the other; and
  • When and to the degree he or she reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:
    • To prevent the other’s imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime or criminal mischief during the nighttime; or
    • To prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property; and
    • He or she reasonably believes that:
      • The land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means;  or
      • The use of force other than deadly force to protect or recover the land or property would expose the actor or another to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury.


Texas is a Castle Doctrine and “stand your ground” state. There is no duty to retreat from any place a person has a right to be if that person is faced with a situation where he or she has to use force or deadly force to protect himself or herself or another.

Protection of Third Person’s Property

A person is justified in using force or deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property of a third person if, under the circumstances as he or she reasonably believes them to be, the actor would be justified in using force or deadly force to protect his or her own land or property.

Texas law presumes you acted reasonably and justifiably if you use deadly force to protect yourself against an unlawful, forceful intrusion into your occupied habitation (a structure that is detached from where you sleep at night is not considered to be your habitation), vehicle, or place of business or employment; or to prevent an unlawful, forceful attempt to remove a lawful occupant from the occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or to prevent certain serious felonies such as burglary or arson.

[Tex. Pen. Code §§  9.31, 9.32, 9.33, 9.41, 9.429.43]

Defense of Third Person

A person is justified in using force or deadly force against another to protect a third person if:

  • Under the circumstances as the actor reasonably believes them to be, the actor would be justified in using force or deadly force to protect himself or herself against the unlawful force or unlawful deadly force he or she reasonably believes to be threatening the third person one seeks to protect; and
  • The actor reasonably believes that his or her intervention is immediately necessary to protect the third person.

Using Force

A person is justified in using force when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to protect the actor against the attempted use of unlawful force. The actor’s belief that the force was immediately necessary as described by this subsection is presumed to be reasonable if the actor:

  • Knew or had reason to believe that the person against whom the force was used:
    • Unlawfully and with force entered or was attempting to enter the actor’s occupied habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment;
    • Unlawfully and with force removed or was attempting to remove the actor from the actor’s habitation, vehicle, or place of business or employment; or
    • Was committing or attempting to commit aggravated kidnapping, murder, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, robbery or aggravated robbery.

Protection of One’s Own Property

A person in lawful possession of land or tangible, movable property is justified in using force against another when and to the degree the actor reasonably believes the force is immediately necessary to prevent or terminate the other’s trespass on the land or unlawful interference with the property.

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Texas Gun Laws at a Glance

Carry Basics
Weapons Other Than Handguns Allowed?
Can you concealed carry weapons other than handguns in Texas with a concealed carry license (or under permitless carry if applicable)?

No. A Texas LTC does not apply to weapons other than handguns.

Does Texas have magazine capacity restrictions for handguns?

No. Texas has no limit for handgun magazine capacity.

Minimum Age for Concealed Carry?
What is the minimum age in Texas to get a concealed carry license?

The minimum age to carry is 18 years old. On Jan. 10, 2023, the Office of General Counsel sent a memo to DPS offices directing them to no longer longer enforce the state law that bars adults under 21 from carrying handguns in public.

Open Carry Permitted?
Is open carry permitted in Texas?

Yes. As of Sept. 1, 2021, permitless open carry is legal for anyone at least 21 years old who may lawfully possess a handgun, provided the handgun is carried in a holster.

According to Texas Penal Code § 46.02(a-5), it is illegal to carry a handgun and intentionally display it in plain view of another person in a public place, unless the handgun is partially or wholly visible (openly carried) but is carried in a holster.

[Texas Penal Code § 46.035 be sure to choose 9/1/2021]

Does Texas have ammunition restrictions?
Permitless Carry?
Does Texas allow permitless carry?

Yes. As of Sept. 1, 2021, permitless concealed and open carry is legal for anyone at least 21 years old who is not prohibited from lawfully possessing a handgun under federal law or Texas state law. The following individuals are prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm under Texas state law:

  • Any individual convicted of a felony cannot possess a firearm:
    • For at least 5 years after release from confinement, supervision or parole (whichever date is later); or
    • After the period described above at any location other than the premises at which the person lives.
  • Any individual convicted of Class A misdemeanor assault [under Texas Penal Code § 22.01] involving a member of the person's family or household cannot possess a firearm:
    • For at least 5 years after release from confinement or community supervision (whichever date is later).
  • A person, other than a peace officer, who is subject to a protective order cannot possess a firearm after receiving notice of the order until expiration of the order [Texas Penal Code § 46.04].
  • For at least 5 years after release from confinement, supervision or parole (whichever date is later); or
  • After the period described above at any location other than the premises at which the person lives.
  • For at least 5 years after release from confinement or community supervision (whichever date is later).

Provided a person has not been convicted of any of the following offenses within the preceding 5-year period:

Chemical Spray/Pepper Spray?
Is it legal to buy or use chemical spray/pepper spray in Texas?

Yes. There is no statute prohibiting the purchase or use of small chemical dispensers of pepper spray sold commercially for personal protection.

[Tex. Pen. Code § 46.05 (a)(3)]

Gun Permit Licensure?
If Texas requires a license to carry a concealed firearm, how are those licenses issued?

Texas is a shall-issue state.

Tasers or Stun Guns?
Is it legal to own a taser or stun gun in Texas?

Yes. Stun guns and Tasers are legal to purchase and possess without a license.

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Carry Locations
Can you carry a concealed firearm in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol in Texas?

Carry is prohibited in businesses that sell alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption whose alcohol sales constitute more than 50% of gross receipts that display a red sign with, "51%" in large red letters superimposed over a warning that says possession of a concealed weapon on the premises is a felony. As of Sept. 1, 2021, only permit holders have a legal defense if effective notice is not given by the business.

You can concealed carry in the restaurant area of an eatery that serves alcohol (those that make less than 51% of their profits from alcohol) without a license. 

[Texas Penal Code § 46.03(p)]

Can you carry a concealed firearm in state/national parks, state/national forests and Wildlife Management Areas in Texas?

Yes, without a license for anyone at least 21 years old who may lawfully possess a handgun. See the National Parks webpage for links to each Park in Texas. Except no firearms are allowed on or across the land of the Lower Colorado River Authority [Tex. Parks & Wild. Code § 62.081], on or over the water of Murvaul Lake in Panola County [Texas Parks and Wild. Code § 283.022] or in the following game sanctuaries:

Can you carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas in Texas?

Yes, without a license for anyone at least 21 years old who may lawfully possess a handgun.

Can you carry or possess a firearm on hotel property in Texas?

As of September 1, 2021, unless possession of a handgun or other firearm or ammunition on hotel property is prohibited by state or federal law, a hotel may not adopt a policy prohibiting a hotel guest from:

  • Carrying or storing a firearm or firearm ammunition in the guest's hotel room or in the guest's vehicle located on the hotel property;
  • Carrying a firearm or firearm ammunition directly en route to or from the hotel, guest's hotel room or the guest's vehicle;

A hotel may adopt a policy requiring a hotel guest carrying a firearm or firearm ammunition in a common area on the hotel property to carry a handgun in a concealed manner or carry a firearm or ammunition in a case or bag.

[Tex. Pen. Code §§ 30.05, 30.06 and 30.07]

Does Texas have laws relating to storing firearms in private vehicles in an employee parking lot?

A public or private employer may not prohibit an employee who holds a valid concealed carry license from transporting or storing a firearm or ammunition the employee is authorized by law to possess in a locked, privately owned motor vehicle in a parking area the employer provides for employees except in locations prohibited by state or federal law. This includes school districts or open-enrollment charter schools per Texas Education Code ​​​§ 37.0815 and institutions of higher education per Gov. Code § 411.2032 provided that the firearm or ammunition is not in plain view. There are exceptions including oil and gas refineries.

[Tex. Labor code § 52.061]

Can you carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle in Texas?

Yes, without a license as of Sept. 1, 2021. However, it is an offense if it is in plain view, unless it is in a holster and you are either 21 years old or have a Texas LTC or a permit that Texas honors and provided you are not engaging in a criminal activity (other than a traffic violation). There are exemptions for peace officers, military, and other security and governmental professionals.

[Texas Penal Code §§ 46.02(a-1) and 46.15]

Can you concealed carry on tribal land in Texas?

Alabama-Coushatta Tribe of Texas - No person shall carry any firearm in or within fifty (50) feed of any building or structure on lands owned or controlled by the Tribe. Statute does not further elaborate on concealed carry, so it is recommended to call tribal authorities before concealed carrying. 
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas - NO
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo - With a written permit or other authority of the Untied States.

Key State Laws
Does Texas allow the public to access concealed carry registry information through public records law?

No, however the information is available to to any criminal justice agency.

Red Flag Law?
Does Texas have a red flag law?

No. Texas does not have a red flag law.

Does Texas state law define brandishing?

No definition of brandishing was found in Texas law.However, a person commits disorderly conduct if he or she intentionally or knowingly displays a firearm or other deadly weapon in a public place in a manner calculated to alarm.

[Tex. Pen. Code § 42.01]

Does Texas have preemption laws related to concealed carry (i.e. Does state law supersede local laws regarding the possession of handguns)?

Yes, the state has preemption of firearms laws in Texas, except local municipalities may:

  • Regulate the discharge of firearms within their limits, other than at a sport shooting range;
  • Regulate the carrying of a firearm or air gun by a person other than a person licensed to carry a concealed handgun under Texas law at:
    • A public park;
    • A public meeting of a municipality, county, or other governmental body;
    • A political rally, parade or official political meeting; and
    • A non-firearms-related school, college, or professional athletic event.

In addition, in any county building that houses a justice court, county court, county court at law, or district court, or in any office used by these courts, any person who possesses a firearm without the court’s written authorization, or without complying with any written regulation of the court, is subject to criminal liability.

Based on an Attorney General opinion, counties may prohibit concealed handgun license holders from carrying concealed handguns in county parks and rapid transit authorities may prohibit concealed handgun licensees from carrying handguns while on public transportation.

[Tex. Local Gov't Code § 229.001(b)(6)][Tex. Local Gov’t Code § 291.010(c)]

Duty to Inform Officer You're Carrying?
Do you have a duty to inform a police officer that you're carrying a concealed firearm in Texas?

You have a duty to inform a law enforcement officer that you're carrying a concealed firearm in Texas when an officer demands that you display identification, you must display both your driver’s license or identification and your handgun license.

[Tex. Gov't Code § 411.205

Carry While Using Alcohol or Drugs?
Does Texas have laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm while using alcohol or drugs?

As of Sept. 1, 2021, carry is prohibited If you are intoxicated anywhere other than:

  • On your own property or property under your control or on private property with the consent of the owner; or
  • Inside of or directly en route to a motor vehicle or watercraft:
    • That is owned by you or under your control; or
  • That is owned by you or under your control; or

With the consent of the owner or operator of the vehicle or watercraft. [Texas Penal Code § 46.02(a-6)]

"Intoxicated" is defined as:

  • Not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol, a controlled substance, a drug, a dangerous drug, a combination of two or more of those substances, or any other substance into the body; or
  • Having an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more.

[Texas Penal Code § 49.01(2)]

As a responsibly armed American, regardless of the laws in your state, it is unwise to carry while under the influence of any substance that could impair your judgment, slow your reaction times or impact your decision-making abilities. Any decision you make while carrying a firearm could have life-altering consequences.

Does Texas issue concealed carry licenses to non-residents?

Yes. The process is the same as for residents.

Is my Texas driver’s license linked to my Texas carry license?

Yes. Texas does show if the registered driver of the car has a license to carry (LTC). So when pulled over, the license plate trace shows that data. If the DL is run independently of a license plate it will also show that you have a LTC.

"No Weapons Allowed" Signs Enforced?
Are "No Weapons Allowed" signs enforced in Texas? If yes, violating the sign would be considered to be a crime. If no, violating the sign would not be considered a criminal offense.

Yes. As of Sept. 1, 2021, signage is complicated in Texas, and anyone carrying a firearm will need to understand the differences between the definitions of each sign. The Firearm Carry Act of 2021 creates two additional weapons signs: 

  • Texas Penal Code § 30.05 signs will indicate locations where just permitless carry of firearms is prohibited. It will be up to private individuals and businesses to decide what their policies will be moving forward regarding permitless carriers.
  • Texas Penal Code § 30.06 signs that indicate locations where concealed carry permit holders cannot carry;
  • Texas Penal Code § 30.07 signs that indicate locations where open carry for permit holders is prohibited; and
  • 51% signs that indicate the establishment sells alcohol by the drink and receives more than 51% of its income from alcohol sales. Only concealed carry permit holders have a legal defense if effective notice has not been provided. [Texas Penal Code § 46.15(p)]
  • Texas Penal Code § 46.03(o) signs will state "Pursuant to Section 46.03, Penal Code (places weapons prohibited), a person may not carry a firearm or other weapon on this property." If this sign is posted in a conspicuous location, no firearms are allowed.

Regardless of which sign is posted, once a person receives effective consent (either verbal or written notice) that entry on the property is prohibited, he or she must promptly leave or risk being charged with a misdemeanor. 

[Texas Penal Code § 30.05]

Handgun Purchase & Possession
Does my current Texas concealed carry license exempt me from needing a background check when I purchase a firearm?


Do handguns need to be registered in Texas?

No. Texas does not require handgun registration.

Are background checks required for private gun sales in Texas?

No. Private firearms transfers are not subject to a background check requirement, although federal and state purchaser prohibitions, including age restrictions, still apply. It is recommended that you retain any sales receipts to prove ownership of the gun.

Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in Texas?

No. Permits are not required when buying a handgun in Texas. A Texas LTC qualifies as an alternative to background check requirements for up to 5 years from the date of issuance. Therefore, an LTC expedites a firearms purchase by allowing a licensee to not have to submit to and wait on the results of a background check.

Is there a waiting period after purchasing a handgun in Texas?

No. Texas has no mandatory waiting period for handgun purchases.

Can I possess/carry a handgun in my home without a license?Can I possess/carry a handgun in my home without a license?

Yes. A license is not required in a person’s own premises or premises under the person's control. “Premises” includes real property and a recreational vehicle that is being used as living quarters, regardless of whether that use is temporary or permanent.

[Tex. Pen. Code § 46.02(a)]

What is the minimum age to possess and transport a handgun in Texas?

You must be at least 18 years old to possess or transport a handgun in Texas.

[Tex. Pen. Code § 46.06]

Our rights shouldn't stop when we cross state lines. Support National Reciprocity. Take Action: Sign the Petition NowOur rights shouldn't stop when we cross state lines. Support National Reciprocity. Take Action: Sign the Petition NowOur rights shouldn't stop when we cross state lines. Support National Reciprocity. Take Action: Sign the Petition Now

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Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defense of himself or the State; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime." ARTICLE 1, § 23

Texas Concealed Carry Reciprocity With Other States

Which states' permits does Texas honor?

Alabama (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Alaska (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Arizona (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Arkansas (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

California (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Colorado (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Connecticut (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Delaware (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

District of Columbia (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Florida (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Georgia (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Hawaii (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Idaho (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Illinois (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Indiana (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Iowa (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Kansas (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Kentucky (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Louisiana (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Maine (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Maryland (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Massachusetts (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Michigan (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Minnesota (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Mississippi (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Missouri (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Montana (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Nebraska (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Nevada (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

New Hampshire (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

New Jersey (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

New Mexico (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

New York (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

New York City (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

North Carolina (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

North Dakota (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Ohio (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Oklahoma (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Oregon (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Pennsylvania (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Puerto Rico (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Rhode Island (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

South Carolina (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

South Dakota (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Tennessee (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Utah (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Vermont (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Virginia (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Washington (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

West Virginia (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Wisconsin (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Wyoming (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Since Texas has permitless carry, any person 21 years of age and older who can legally possess a firearm under federal and Texas state law may carry a concealed firearm on his or her person without a license or permit. 

Other States' Reciprocity With Texas

Which states honor permits from Texas?

Alabama (permitless carry, at least 19 years old)

Arkansas (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)


Idaho (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Indiana (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Montana (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)


New Hampshire (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

North Carolina

North Dakota (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

South Dakota (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Vermont (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Note: Firearms must be carried in accordance with the laws of the state you are visiting. Be sure to check the laws of the other state before traveling there with your firearms.

States That Have Restricted Reciprocity with Texas

Texas offers resident and non-resident licenses. If indicated with “Resident only” below, that state only honors Texas resident licenses (and not those issued to non-residents).

Alaska (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Arizona (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Colorado (at least 21 years old and resident permits only)

Florida (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Georgia (Permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Iowa (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Kansas (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Kentucky (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Louisiana (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Maine (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Michigan (at least 21 years old and resident permits only)

Mississippi (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Missouri (permitless carry, at least 19 years old 18 for military)

Nebraska (Permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

New Mexico (at least 21 years old)

Ohio (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Oklahoma (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Pennsylvania (at least 21 years old and resident permits only)

South Carolina (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Tennessee (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Utah (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Virginia (at least 21 years old)

West Virginia (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Wisconsin (at least 21 years old)

Wyoming (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Permitless Carry States

Alabama (permitless carry, at least 19 years old)

Alaska (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Arizona (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Arkansas (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Florida (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Georgia (Permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Idaho (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Indiana (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Iowa (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Kansas (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Kentucky (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Louisiana (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Maine (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Mississippi (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Missouri (permitless carry, at least 19 years old 18 for military)

Montana (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Nebraska (Permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

New Hampshire (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

North Dakota (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Ohio (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Oklahoma (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

South Carolina (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

South Dakota (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Tennessee (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

Utah (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Vermont (permitless carry, at least 18 years old)

West Virginia (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

Wyoming (permitless carry, at least 21 years old)

*PC-18 = permitless carry if at least 18 years old

*PC-21 = permitless carry if at least 21 years old

Permitless carry includes constitutional carry states as well as states where an individual must meet certain qualifications, e.g., no DUIs in the last 10 years, in order to legally carry (Tennessee). Each state determines the requirements and any limitations on the carry of firearms. Check each state’s page for more information and any restrictions that may apply.

Texas Concealed Carry License Information

Processing Time:

60 days


An applicant must:

  • Be a legal resident of Texas for 6 months or have relocated with the intent to establish residency in the state;
  • A federal judge ruled that 18 to 20 year olds must be allowed to carry a handgun outside the home in Texas. He allowed this to be done by letting them get a Texas license to carry and Texas DPS will now issue a Texas LTC to anyone that is at least 18 years old, or 18 and either:
    •  A member or veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves or National Guard or discharged under honorable conditions; or
    • As of September 1, 2021, be protected under certain court orders related to family violence;
  • Meet training requirements;
  • Have not been convicted of a felony;
  • Have not been charged with the commission of a Class A or Class B misdemeanor or equivalent offense, or of an offense under Section 42.01, Penal Code, or equivalent offense, or of a felony under an information or indictment;
  • Not be a fugitive from justice for a felony or a Class A or Class B misdemeanor or equivalent offense;
  • Not be chemically dependent;
  • Be capable of exercising sound judgment with respect to the proper use and storage of a handgun;
  • Not, in the 5 years preceding the date of application, have been convicted of a Class A or Class B misdemeanor or equivalent offense or of an offense under Section 42.01, Penal Code, or equivalent offense;
  • Be fully qualified under applicable federal and state law to purchase a handgun;
  • Not have been finally determined to be delinquent in making a child support payment administered or collected by the attorney general;
  • Not have been finally determined to be delinquent in the payment of a tax or other money collected by the comptroller, the tax collector of a political subdivision of the state or any agency or subdivision of the state;
  • Not be currently restricted under a court protective order or subject to a restraining order affecting the spousal relationship, other than a restraining order solely affecting property interests;
  • Not, in the 10 years preceding the date of application, have been adjudicated as having engaged in delinquent conduct violating a penal law of the grade of felony; 
  • Not have made any material misrepresentation, or failed to disclose any material fact, in an application submitted pursuant to Section 411.174; and
  • Meet federal law requirements.

*Consult with an attorney if you have any questions about your eligibility. If you don’t have an attorney, you can find one by contacting the State Bar of Texas.

Residency Changes:

Moving to Texas and interested in applying for a resident license? How soon can you apply?Texas issues resident and non-resident licenses, so you can apply for your license at any time. In order to apply for a resident license, you need to be a legal resident of Texas for six months or have relocated with the intent to establish residency in the state.

Moving from Texas and have a Texas resident license? Does that license transfer to your new state? Is there a grace period during which your Texas license remains valid?If a person with a Texas license to carry establishes residency in another state, the license is valid until it expires provided he or she submits the above referenced name/address change form.


$40 for standard initial licenses and renewals.

$25 for initial licenses and renewals for honorably discharged military vets.

Name/Address Changes:

You can make name and address changes online.

Valid For:

5 years

Non-Resident Concealed Carry Licenses:

Out-of-state residents must supply a color copy, front and back, of a state driver’s license or ID card and a proficiency certificate not greater than 2 years old from a course approved by the Texas Dept. of Public Safety. Applications may be submitted online or via mail. 

Lost/Stolen Licenses:

You can submit a request for a new license online. You will be issued a new license number for security reasons.


Texas Concealed Carry License Application Process

How to Apply for a Texas Concealed Carry License

Firearms Training Requirements in Texas

A handgun proficiency course must include 4-6 hours of classroom or online instruction in:

  • Laws that relate to weapons and to the use of deadly force;
  • Handgun use and safety, including use of restraint holsters and methods to ensure the secure carrying of openly carried handguns;
  • Non-violent dispute resolution; and
  • Proper storage practices for handguns, including storage practices that eliminate the possibility of accidental injury to a child.
  • The range instruction part of the course must include an actual demonstration by the applicant of the applicant’s ability to safely and proficiently use the applicable category of handgun. An applicant may not be certified unless he or she demonstrates, at a minimum, the degree of proficiency that is required to effectively operate a handgun. However, active duty and honorably discharged members of the military, may not be required to complete the range instruction portion of a handgun proficiency course.
    • The shooting test requires 50 rounds of ammunition fired at three distances:

      • 3 yards – 20 rounds fired
      • 7 yards – 20 rounds fired
      • 15 yards – 10 rounds fired

The proficiency examination must also include a written (or online portal) test concerning the subjects listed above, as well as the physical demonstration of proficiency in the use and safety procedures of one or more handguns and in handgun safety procedures.

**Click here for the USCCA online course and in-person qualification.**

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Texas Concealed Carry License Renewal Process

How to Renew a Texas Concealed Carry License

Law Enforcement Officers (LEO)/Retired LEOs

Law enforcement officers (LEOs) and Retired LEOs (RLEOs) may choose to carry under the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA), often referred to as HR 218. Under 18 U.S. Code §§ 926B & 926C, qualified LEOs and qualified retired LEOs, or those separated from service in good standing, can carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with some exceptions. For details check out our Federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) page.

Tex. Penal Code § 46.15(5) LEOs and RLEOs carrying under LEOSA are exempt from requiring a Texas License to Carry. Per Texas Gov’t Code §411.199, qualified RLEOs may obtain a sworn statement from the head of the law enforcement agency employing the applicant. The head of a law enforcement agency may not refuse to issue a statement under this subsection. An applicant described by this subsection may submit the application at any time after retirement. The RLEO shall submit the sworn statement and retirement credentials along with an application to carry under LEOSA. The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) establishes annual firearm qualification standards. Any certified TCOLE firearms instructor can qualify applicants. 

Under §§ 411.1991 through 411.201, the following LEOs may apply for a license under LEOSA: 

  • Peace officers employed by a law enforcement agency;
  • Members of the Texas military forces, excluding Texas State Guard members who are serving in the Texas Legislature;
  • Reserve law enforcement officers with at least 15 years with one or more state or local law enforcement agencies;
  • County jailers who hold a county jailer license; 
  • Correctional officer of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice;
  • Active and retired judicial officers; and
  • United States attorneys, assistant United States attorneys, and attorneys elected or employed to represent the state in the prosecution of felony cases.

Qualified Retired Federal or Out-of-State Officer Firearms Certificate Form

Instructions for Online Applications to Carry a Handgun under LEOSA

Texas Location Restrictions

Places off-limits even with a permit/license

As of September 1, 2021, these locations are off-limits to permitless carry:

  • Prohibited locations posted with Texas Penal Code § 30.05 or §46.03 signs;
  • On the physical premises* of an elementary or secondary school or educational institution, any grounds or building on which a school-sponsored activity is being conducted, or a passenger transportation vehicle of a school or educational institution, without authorization;
  • Within 1,000 feet of a school (outside of school buildings);
  • On the premises* of an institution of higher education, any grounds or building on which a school-sponsored activity is being conducted, or a passenger transportation vehicle of an institution of higher education;
  • Premises* where a high school, collegiate or interscholastic event is taking place;
  • Premises* where a professional sporting event is taking place;
  • Polling places on election day or while early voting is in progress;
  • Premises* of any government court or offices utilized by the court, unless authorized by the court;
  • Premises* of a racetrack;
  • Secured area of an airport;
  • On the premises* of a business that derives 51% or more of its income from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-premises* consumption (posted with a red sign with “51%” in large red letters superimposed over a warning that says possession of a concealed weapon on the premises* is a felony);
  • On premises* where the possession of any concealed weapon is illegal;
  • Premises* of a correctional facility;
  • Premises* of a civil commitment facility;
  • Within 1,000 feet of any premises* of a place of execution on a day that a sentence of death is set to be imposed by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice;
  • Premises* of a hospital;
  • Premises* of a mental hospital or nursing home;
  • Premises* of a permanent amusement park;
  • In the room of an open meeting of a governmental entity; and
  • Any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law.

Note: “Premises” means a building or a portion of a building. The term does not include any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area.

[Texas Penal Code § 46.03]

  • Carry in bars/restaurants that serve alcohol? Firearms are prohibited in a business that derives 51% or more of its income from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption (posted with a red sign with “51%” in large red letters superimposed over a warning that says possession of a concealed weapon on the premises). You can concealed carry in the restaurant area of an eatery that serves alcohol (those that make less than 51% of their profits from alcohol), unless posted. However, concealed carry is not allowed in bars or the bar areas of restaurants.
  • Carry in my vehicle without a permit/license? Yes. 
  • Carry in roadside rest areas? Yes.
  • Carry in state/national parks, state/national forests, and WMAs? Yes.
  • Carry in places of worship? Yes, unless they have posted signs prohibiting firearms.

FAQ: Texas Concealed Carry Questions

I can legally carry a concealed firearm in Texas, but can I wear a COVID 19 protective mask while carrying concealed?

There is no known statute in Texas making it illegal to wear a COVID mask while carrying concealed.

Is there a Hunter Harassment Law in Texas?

Yes. No person may intentionally interfere with another person lawfully engaged in the process of hunting or catching wildlife.

[Tex. Parks & Wildlife Code § 62.0125]


Anyone under the age of 18 can open or concealed carry a knife with a blade that is less than 5.5 inches in length nearly anywhere. An adult can open or concealed carry any knife with a blade longer than 5.5 inches in length anywhere other than the same locations that are off-limits to firearms, which includes schools. 

[Tex. Pen. Code §§ 46.01, 46.02, 46.03]

Can you concealed carry while bow hunting in Texas?

Yes, with a Texas LTC or a concealed carry license/permit from a state that Texas honors.

Can you concealed carry while shotgun/rifle hunting in Texas?

Yes, with a Texas LTC or a concealed carry license/permit from a state that Texas honors.

Texas Gun Laws Updates

Added tribal land information to carry location section.
Updated locations in the Where Can't I Carry section per HB 1927 going into effect
Updated info on Permitless Carry/Open Carry per HB 1927 going into effect in the At A Glance table
Updated the Vehicle Carry/Hotel Possession per HB 1927 going into effect in the At A Glance table
Updated the Summary with info regarding permitless carry per HB 1927 going into effect
Added info on driver's license link to permit in At A Glance table
Added information on training exemption for military in the Training Section
Updated the vehicle carry in At A Glance table

Did We Miss Something?

Here at the USCCA, it is our mission to provide responsible gun owners with the tools they need to be educated and trained. Our team is constantly working to provide you with the most up-to-date and comprehensive list of self-defense laws available for every state.

If you have any questions that you don’t see answered here — let us know! Just email support@uscca.com and we will be sure to get your question resolved. Your feedback matters to us, and we appreciate you helping to make this page the best possible resource for responsible gun owners!

Permit numbers were obtained from the Crime Prevention Resource Center’s publication entitled, “Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States.” Numbers include resident and non-resident permits for those states that issue both.

The information contained on this website is provided as a service to USCCA, Inc. members and the concealed carry community, and does not constitute legal advice. Although we attempt to address all areas of concealed carry laws in all states, we make no claims, representations, warranties, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information disclosed. Legal advice must always be tailored to the individual facts and circumstances of each individual case. Laws are constantly changing, and as such, nothing contained on this website should be used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer.

If you have any questions regarding USCCA Membership, Delta Defense, handguns laws or the lawful process of carrying concealed, please contact the award-winning Delta Defense Customer Engagement Team.