Self-Defense Tactics

There are a variety of tactics taught in USCCA Self-Defense Classes that ensure students build a solid foundation for safe and effective personal defense. From proper handling, clearing, and use of your firearm to situational awareness and non-lethal defense weapons, these classes empower responsible Americans by giving them the skills to protect what matters most.

Two hands prepping a pistol for use


Home Defense: Tools & Tactics

With hundreds of thousands of violent incidents happening in and around U.S. homes every year, gun owners must be prepared to protect their own family’s sanctuary. Discover the best course of action to legally defend your home through USCCA Home Defense Classes. Depending on your state’s laws the tools and tactics you use may vary drastically, legally speaking. That simple reality underscores the importance of training for what has happened to many households just like yours.

A man inside his home prepping for an encounter with a potential home invader


Developing a Personal & Home Protection Plan

For many, the home is mistakenly considered an impenetrable fortress where guards can be let down and an awareness of surroundings is no longer necessary, but that is simply not the case. USCCA Home & Self-Defense Classes allow you to explore the importance of situational awareness through the color codes of awareness, how conflict avoidance benefits you at home, and how vital it is to be proactive versus the risks of living reactively.

An armed man and a woman preparing for a home invasion


Legal Use of Force

Every state in the U.S. has definitions, statutes, and case law defining when civilians may legally use force to protect themselves, their families, and their homes. Your actions during a self-defense incident will be scrutinized for days, weeks, or even months by a jury of your peers so the best way to protect yourself is to know what is legally required when defending yourself with a firearm. Take a USCCA self-defense class to safeguard against legal nightmares.

A judge sitting near a gavel


When to Use Force

In many situations, use of force can be murky at best, so understanding the legal consequences of each action is imperative. From exposing your firearm to pulling the trigger, each decision you make will fall somewhere along the continuum that determines what’s reasonable, and what’s excessive. Learn more by taking these USCCA self-defense classes.

A woman warning someone to stay back

What is a MINI-CLASS?

A USCCA Mini-Class is a shorter, in-person session which is dedicated to a singular discipline. This is perfect for those who are just starting out with their training, or those who are looking for a refresher on specific topics. Mini-Classes are modules directly pulled from the USCCA's primary “Fundamentals” curriculums and taught by Certified Instructors.