B L Butts
Instructor # 2003988 | GST Training Solutions
Certified with the USCCA since 8/15/2020
Certification Renewal Date 8/14/2025
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
- Emergency & First Aid
- Countering the Mass Shooter
- Women's Handgun & Self-Defense
My Biography
My goal is to help those that are on the journey to become their own First Responder. There may come a time when you are all you have got to protect yourself or your loved ones. Preparing and practicing is not paranoia. It is the action of a person willing to take responsibility for the safety and protection of themselves and their family.
Advanced Rangemaster Instructor Image Based Decisional Drills Instructor NRA Basic Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun/PPOTH/PPITH/RSO USCCA Instructor CCHDF DSF Level 1