LaShaun Key
Instructor # 1828560 | Key Shot
Certified with the USCCA since 9/17/2020
Certification Renewal Date 9/17/2025
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
My Biography
US Army veteran and architectural designer who has a passion for firearms. This passion was birthed from previously losing my firearm rights, then working to have them restored. Having a diverse and extensive background, I bring all my knowledge and experiences to the table. I am a licensed firearms instructor with a focus on preserving, protecting, and defending the HUMAN RIGHTS in conjunction with Second Amendment rights of members of the African-American community with respect to firearm ownership, self- defense, and defense of family; to promoting and developing a greater understanding and awareness among the African-American community regarding the importance and benefits of firearms ownership, and conduct education, training, and policy related to such rights; to introducing members of the African-American community to firearms use for self-defense, defense of family, competitive shooting, and outdoor recreational activities; educating members of the African-American community about state and federal legislation that affects their HUMAN RIGHTS in conjunction with Second Amendment rights to own and bear firearms; teaching community members about safe firearm handling, use and care of firearms.