Jay Frind

Instructor # 1344484 | Pactraining Company llc / finger lakes firearm training group

Certified with the USCCA since 6/4/2018

Certification Renewal Date 6/4/2025

Newark, NY, 14513


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense
  • Women's Handgun & Self-Defense
  • Emergency & First Aid
  • Countering the Mass Shooter

My Biography

Hello my name is Jay Frind. I started PACTraining Company in order to feed my passion and provide instruction on home defense and basic hand gun operation. I have been training for several years and would like to pass my knowledge to you so you can be better prepared if that situation ever arises that you need to protect yourself, home or loved ones. I want to provide a meaningful experience, educating you to use the tools you have with you at the time. I am a navy veteran having served on the U.S.S Washington, A ship that responded to the 9/11 attacks. I also have won local rod and gun club trap shoot league awards. I have competed and won Dave Spaulding 2x2 drill at 21 feet or 7 yards which is a course designed for combative situations. I have trained with some of the best instructors in the area and continue my training monthly to improve my skills so I can provide the best possible experience for you on the range and the classroom. I am certified to teach N.R.A basic handgun along with these great USCCA courses including Home Defense and Concealed Carry as well as Women's Hand Gun and Self Defense. The women's course I teach is assisted by my wife. She is a certified RSO. I also teach USCCA Emergency First aid Fundamentals. I have the ability to work one on one with you if requested, as well as various groups. I want to help you develop confidence with your firearm, develop the skills you need and have fun doing it.


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