Steven Donahoo
Instructor # 1210334 | DONAHOO-CONSULTING, LLC®
Certified with the USCCA since 1/15/2023
Certification Renewal Date 1/15/2026
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
- Countering the Mass Shooter
- Women's Handgun & Self-Defense
- Emergency & First Aid
My Biography
Chief Instructor - Steven M. Donahoo
Mr. Donahoo has over thirty (30) years law enforcement experience. He started with the New York City Transit Police in 1985 where he was promoted to sergeant and lieutenant. In 1995 the Transit Police was merged into the New York Police Department. Within the NYPD he was promoted to lieutenant, commander detective and retired in 2008 from the Department’s Counterterrorism Division. He is still involved in law enforcement as a sworn deputy sheriff serving as a volunteer anti-terrorism advisor to a local county sheriff.
Mr. Donahoo holds the ratings of Training Counselor, Regional Training Counselor, Chief Range Safety Officer, Practical Pistol Coach and Instructor under the National Rifle Association of America. He is certified to teach and certify both BASIC and INSTRUCTOR Classes in the following disciplines:
Pistol ~ Rifle ~ Shotgun ~ CCW ~ Home Firearm Safety ~ Defensive Pistol ~ Personal Protection In The Home (PPITH) ~ Personal Protection Outside The Home (PPOTH) ~ Range Safety Officer (RSO) ~ Chief Range Safety Officer (CRSO) ~ Refuse To Be A Victim (RTBAV)
Mr. Donahoo is certified to teach the National Rifle Association of America Hunter Clinics in Wild Turkey and Whitetail Deer.
Mr. Donahoo is licensed by the State of UTAH to teach their Concealed Firearm Permit (CFP) classes.
We believe that our students learn most effectively by attending classes that are a safe and enjoyable. Students learn best by having a good time and we endeavor to make learning a great experience.