Jacqueline Paris
Instructor # 1716174 | FAFO Consulting LLC
Certified with the USCCA since 7/6/2020
Certification Renewal Date 10/17/2025
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals - Training Counselor
- Women's Handgun & Self-Defense
- Emergency & First Aid
- Range Safety Officer
- Countering the Mass Shooter
- Children's Firearms & Safety Fundamentals
My Biography
I am a former Army Veteran,
3-time Gunsite Alumni In pistol, rifle, shotgun, and Foreign weapons,
The Well Armed Woman Certified Instructor,
USCCA Training Counselor
USCCA Concealed carry and home defense instructor
USCCA Womens Handgnun and self-defens fundamentals
USCCA Emergency First aid
NRA certified Personal protection inside and
personal protection outside of the home,
Basic Pistol, rifle, and shotgun Instructor, precision rifle instructor,
Nevada and California state-certified CCW instructor,
Chief Range Safety Officer,
Taser instructor,
Sig and Glock Armorer,
General firearms Armorer,
Foreign weapons expert,
Trained with the Navy Seals in boarding, breaching, and ship clearing,
ASIST certified,
Non-lethal self-defense instructor,
alternative weapons instructor,