Justin Myers

Instructor # 2227135 |

Certified with the USCCA since 9/21/2020

Certification Renewal Date 9/16/2025

Has Certified Instructors

Madison, MS, 39110


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense
  • Countering the Mass Shooter
  • Marksmanship Simplified: Foundations of Handgun Coaching

My Biography

I've been a student of firearms from a very early age. In 2011 I started competitive shooting where I achieved the rank of Master Class in USPSA production division within a year of starting. I also hold Master class rankings in Steel Challenge. I represented Automatic Accuracy and Modern Outfitters as a sponsored shooter in that time. I won a state championship in 2015 and since then have competed in various disciplines like 3 Gun, Steel Challenge, IDPA and dabbled in precision rifle competition. I am an NRA certified instructor with Basic Pistol, Personal Protection in the Home and Refuse to Be a Victim ratings, a USCCA instructor, a Rangemaster International Instructor and a Range Officer through USPSA. I've had additional training with Frank Proctor Shooting, Matthew Mink of Automatic Accuracy and Team CZ-USA and multiple time national champion Ben Stoeger. I've been actively teaching since 2012 with thousands of students worth of experience. I firmly believe that the best instructors are better students, so I will always seek out new information and seek to continually grow as a professional instructor.


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