Luke Slaughter

Instructor # 571051 | S&S Defense, LLC

Certified with the USCCA since 12/5/2021

Certification Renewal Date 12/5/2025

Winnebago , MN, 56098


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense
  • Countering the Mass Shooter
  • Emergency & First Aid

My Biography

I have been an instructor for a number of years now, but have worked with firearms training and law enforcement for over 10 years, and am currently working in corrections, while also working part-time for a local school as Security & Safety Coordinator.

We started out just teaching concealed carry, but have expanded to include Countering Mass Shooter, Advanced Firearm Training, Church & Organizational Security Training & Consulting, and have been part of I Love U Guys Standard Response Protocol and Standard Reunification Method training and introduce that within our consultation. We are also certified Range Safety Officers.

I work in partnership with a buddy, Joel Schutt and his wife, Roxanne, to give our students the best class they can get for the money. We have a standing Permit to Carry class date for of the 2nd Saturday of every month, but we are more than happy to travel to you as well, and don't hesitate to request a class or give me call to see what we offer. We offer Veteran's, LEO, and First Responder Discounts! Take a look at our Facebook page for a complete list of the services we offer.

Take a look at our above listed "Minnesota Concealed Carry Permit - Away" to request a date for us to come to you or reach out to us at [email protected]

Current Classes Available


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