John Jankovich

Instructor # 2503462 |

Certified with the USCCA since 6/2/2021

Certification Renewal Date 1/4/2026

Parma, MI, 49269


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense

My Biography

Jay began his career in 1997 when, after an ill advised trip to the Jackson Crossing mall, he found himself at USMC Recruit Training Depot, San Diego California. Jay was astonished to find his trip to California wasn’t the fun trip to the beach his recruiter had promised. Instead men in strange hats yelled at him for 13 weeks. Jay miraculously completed recruit training and infantry school, going on to serve fifteen years in the United States military as an Infantryman.

Jay visited twenty-four countries during his service, many of which were fun and relaxing. Some locations however… no so much. Jay deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan, and Djibouti - where Jay disliked the environment because the military banned alcohol consumption there. Jay eventually advanced to a rank where he no longer did cool, action-guy stuff, and was promoted to making power point slides for commissioned officers. His service ended in 2013 and he’s been training any law abiding citizen he can get his hands on ever since.

Jay has been a firearms instructor since 2000, with instructor level courses including USMC Rifle/Pistol Coach, USMC MOUT Instructor Course, US Army Small Arms Master Gunner’s Course, CSAT Rifle/Pistol Instructor Course, NRA and USCCA CPL Instructor courses, and numerous other courses that serve only to inflate his already massive ego. He also somehow got a college degree that hasn’t paid off yet. Jay enjoys training civilians and professionals alike, because he passionately believes citizens can make a difference against the forces of evil.


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24 Reviews

What Students Are Saying

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    Class taken on Sat, Oct. 26, 2024
    |Taught by

    "Cheyne was great instructor and made sure everything was explained in detail. The practical demonstrations were easy to follow and made learning fun. "

    Submitted on Tues, Oct. 29, 2024 by Rick H.

  • Rating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star large

    Class taken on Sat, Oct. 26, 2024
    |Taught by

    "Cheyne did an excellent job of explaining everything and even when we had questions, he was happy to answer them all. And we had quite a few! With his instruction I was able to gain so much insight as to Michigan's laws and am excited to try other tactics to gain a better understanding of my responses and actions to situations."

    Submitted on Tues, Oct. 29, 2024 by Kelly H.

  • Rating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star large

    Class taken on Sat, Oct. 26, 2024
    |Taught by

    "Amazing instructor!"

    Submitted on Mon, Oct. 28, 2024 by Tracy H.