Aaron Goodell

Instructor # 3107826 |

Certified with the USCCA since 2/19/2023

Certification Renewal Date 2/19/2025

zeeland, MI, 49464


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense

My Biography

Jill, my wife, and I are an instructor team. We have a passion for helping woman learn to defend themselves and avoid dangerous encounters. We are interested in introducing people to firearms, and guiding people to the best solutions for personal defense.

Jill is a confident profession and has a skill for situational awareness. She has 30 years experience of customer service experience and a CPL holder for 8 years.

I am a veteran of the US Air Force, former TSA agent, safety/security team mamber and team training instructor at church, a volunteer fire fighter and currently employed by a local county as a housing inspector. Have a passion for helping local churches install a safety team at their church and/or assist with training safety teams.

Current Classes Available


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