Bill Hall

Instructor # 1355510 | Aimpower

Certified with the USCCA since 6/14/2018

Certification Renewal Date 3/3/2025

Leesburg, FL, 34748


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense
  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals - Training Counselor
  • Countering the Mass Shooter
  • Women's Handgun & Self-Defense
  • Emergency & First Aid
  • Simulations

My Biography

USCCA Training Counselor USCCA Instructor Concealed Carry & Home Defense USCCA Women's handgun USCCA Countering the Mass Shooter USCCA Defensive Shooting Fundamentals level 1instructor NRA Chief Range Safety Officer NRA Pistol Instructor thru Defensive Pistol Cindy and I have been teaching classes since 2015 and are getting better every day! We love what we do and we truly want each and every one of our students to get the best from us every time! It’s not just “cookie cutter” training – we really try to make the best possible class for YOU. Our classes are generally pretty small (12 or less). When we get to the range we work with each student individually, as their needs require. We are proud to be USCCA Instructors! I have Instructor Certifications from NRA, but the USCCA far outshines and outperforms the others. We can teach the complete curricula for the following: • Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals (CCHDF) which includes several small courses (mini courses) that can be taught separately: o Developing a Personal and Home Protection Plan o Legal Use of Force (guns and the law) o Violent Encounters and their Aftermaths o Gear and Gadgets (and Women’s Holsters) o Real Estate Agent Safety • This class (or any of the mini-classes) can be taught as a Women’s Only Class too. • We also can offer a class on the pitfalls of Permitless Carry researched and written by my wife and partner Cindy • We are also big on Church Safety Teams! Cindy and I have done a lot of consulting with, and for, churches and their Safety Teams. Our best work is when we are called to run “scenarios” with their Safety Teams to identify and rectify their weak spots. Reach out to us for more information. We only do this work in the Central Florida region. Along with the onsite training for church groups we can present classroom seminars on Mass Shooter and Church Security There is more we can do, but what we try to stick to the classes we do best! Last, but not least, Cindy and I are proud to be USCCA Certified Training Counselors, which means we can train qualified individuals to become; USCCA Certified Instructors! We have trained over 80 wonderful people in order that they start a part-time or full-time new income stream! We lovingly say that each of them is our “kids” and we do whatever we can after the class as well, to help them succeed in their goals! We also want every one of our students, regardless of the class, to succeed as:

See also Cindy Semenik in the instructor listings for Florida.

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