Craig (D. Cragin) Shelton
Instructor # 2645586 | DCS Trains
Certified with the USCCA since 11/17/2021
Certification Renewal Date 2/17/2025
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
My Biography
D. Cragin (Craig) Shelton See more at Firearms trainer credentials
- USCCA Certified Instructor & Range Saftey Officer
- Ark Concealed Handgun Carry License (CHCL) Instructor #21-1519
- NRA Certified Pistol, PPITH, PPOTH Instructor & Range Safety Officer #149323457
- RangeMaster Certified Instructor
- Law of Self Defense Instructor Program Graduate
- Member, Firearms Trainers Association
- MAG40 Graduate Teaching experience, developed & taught graduate level university course; undergraduate university laboratory courses; professional development classes for the Air National Guard; In-house training sessions and webinars for employers; and live in-person and online seminars and webinars for professional associations and conferences Firearms training background: USAF (1971-1997) Initial & refresher firearms training, NRA Basic Pistol Course, NRA Basic Rifle Course, NRA Personal Protection in the Home, NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home, NRA Defensive Pistol, NRA Distinguished Expert-Pistol, American Red Cross Adult & Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED, 500+ hours of advanced self defense, legal principles, & 1st Aid training since 2018