USCCA Firearms & Self-Defense Blog
Be prepared with a variety of concealed carry and firearms tips and tactics that can help keep you and your family safe both inside and outside of your home. Find helpful articles and videos, including the Into the Fray training series, that cover everything from situational awareness and conflict avoidance to cover vs. concealment and the use of force in a critical encounter.
Recent Self-Defense Articles
Personal Safety in and Around Vehicles … and Conspiracy Theories?
Not too long ago, I wrote a blog post about’s DVD and digital video course on vehicle self-defense, Vehicle Firearm Tactics. I discussed the importance of training with/around vehic[…]
Continue Reading →A Crazy Day at the Park: Should I Shoot?
There is one thing you can count on in the Midwest in August: humidity. In an effort to beat the heat, you have taken the kids to the splash pad at a nearby city park. You rest on a chaise as your 6- […]
Continue Reading →Self-Defense in an Apartment: You Need to Be Aware
Earlier this month, I discussed aspects of self-defense in mobile homes. Some of the considerations involved the use of firearms in tight spaces and the dangers posed by missed shots and overpenetrati[…]
Continue Reading →Concealed Carry: What About Defending Others?
Just about anyone who regularly carries a firearm for personal protection has also considered under what circumstances he or she might consider defending others who appear to be in danger. Unfortunate[…]
Continue Reading →Convenience Store Chaos: Should I Shoot?
After six hours on the road, you pull off for gas and a chance to stretch your legs. You’ve got four more hours to go before you get to your parents’ retirement home on the coast. It’s getting late, a[…]
Continue Reading →Self-Defense in a Trailer Park
As a patrol officer in a Columbus, Ohio, suburb in 1990, I investigated a suicide in a small trailer park. The victim was a male who lived in a single-wide trailer. He had used a 1911 .45 loaded with […]
Continue Reading →Defending Others Against Edged-Weapon Attacks
Back in March, I discussed a news story from Maricopa County, Arizona, in “It’s Never a Bluff.” A crazed offender was stabbing his female companion to death inside of his car as he drove down the road[…]
Continue Reading →Seatbelts, Vehicles and Firearms: Firearms Training Beyond the Norm
I had the opportunity to spend some time talking with Jacob Paulson, the founder and president of, on The Concealed Carry Podcast a few weeks ago. We were speaking about proper tech[…]
Continue Reading →What Drives Mass Shooters and How to Stop Them
Click here to download the USCCA’s Complete Mass Shooting Survival Guide. This free PDF contains essential training and information on how to prevent and survive an active shooter threat. There […]
Continue Reading →Should You Have a Safe Room in Your Home?
Around the year 2000, the concept of panic (or “safe”) rooms gained the attention of the news media. The concept of specially fortified safe areas within the home even resulted in the production of th[…]
Continue Reading →Self-Defense in the Great Outdoors
*The following is an excerpt from The Responsible Gun Owner’s Guide to Self-Defense in the Great Outdoors. Self-Defense Has No Boundaries Think about what a criminal really looks for when selecting a […]
Continue Reading →Anger at the Intersection: Should I Shoot?
It’s been a long day at work, and traffic on your commute home is not making your day any easier. It’s bumper to bumper and moving along at a crawl when you realize you need to move into the right lan[…]
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