Non-Lethal Tools For Self-Defense

Non-lethal training bridges the gap between doing nothing to protect yourself and using deadly force, especially when it might not be appropriate or legal. This class helps students understand how effective these tools can be when carried as a primary or secondary self-defense option.

Prepare for ANY situation, not the IDEAL one

You will encounter situations where you can't or don't want to use a firearm for protection. Discover how to navigate those gray areas with confidence and harness effective ways of protecting yourself with deadly force alternatives through non-lethal weapons training.

  • Explore a wide variety of non-lethal tools for self-defense like energy weapons such as stun guns and tasers, as well as chemical-based deterrents such as pepper ball launchers and pepper spray.
  • Discover the proper way to use common types of non-lethal self-defense tools.
  • Understand what makes each type of non-lethal tool effective for self-defense.
  • See these products in action with in-class demonstrations.
  • Find out why certain situations may require the use of a non-lethal option.
Pepper spray being used