Active Shooter Training Classes

All of us are exposed to the public at some point. Whether you’re a student, office worker, churchgoer, or just going out for a night on the town, you should be prepared for the worst-case scenario. In these active shooter training classes, you will learn how to get out of danger and to safety in the event of a mass shooting incident or active shooter.

Countering the Mass Shooter Threat

Reality says it all: this training class reveals data collected from 48 mass shootings, finding similarities along the way which will lead you to a conclusion that answers the question — what can be done to counter this threat? Once you've learned all you can from these historical events you'll begin to understand the importance of developing an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), and the systematic forethought that goes into mass casualty preparation.

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A man crouched down near his truck, reloading his pistol, and preparing to defend himself against an active shooter

Over 1 MILLION Students Trained!

Like many Americans, and rightly so, you might be thinking about personal defense a lot more these days.

Maybe you've already taken a concealed carry class to get your CCW permit but need a refresher course. Or, maybe you'd feel more comfortable learning about firearms before buying one.

Whatever your reason, the USCCA's expert-crafted training classes give you the tools you need to live the protector lifestyle.


Start Training With the Topic of Your Choice


What Have We Learned About Mass Shooters

Follow along as Certified Instructors analyze data gathered from past mass shootings and get an understanding of which factors affected their outcomes. In addition to exploring the validity of arguments proposed by gun-control advocates, this active shooter training also investigates whether mass shooters target gun-free zones. and how the response of potential victims affected the outcomes.


Church Security Training

Believers will understand how to recognize, respond, and stop a threat in their house of worship by taking one of these active shooter training classes. You’ll see how to increase security and safety for staff and members, creating a feeling of safety and security for everyone within your house of worship.


Active Shooters - Countering The Threat

Taking these training classes will help you understand how to recognize when or if someone may be planning a mass shooting, how to respond during such an event, and how to stop or reduce mass shootings. These active shooter training classes show you how to identify potential shooters before they strike, end attacks as quickly as possible which minimizes the number of victims, and treat the wounded after an attack has ended.

What is a MINI-CLASS?

A USCCA Mini-Class is a shorter, in-person session which is dedicated to a singular discipline. This is perfect for those who are just starting out with their training, or those who are looking for a refresher on specific topics. Mini-Classes are modules directly pulled from the USCCA's primary “Fundamentals” curriculums and taught by Certified Instructors.