The anti-gun indoctrination and the “gun violence” propaganda are everywhere. On TV. At the movies. In the news. On the Internet. And in our schools. And I think it’s the last one that bothers me the most. It bothers me that people whom my children are taught to respect and learn from are telling them that guns are bad, guns are the problem, guns need to be banned.

Is it happening at your kids’ schools?

Here’s what recently happened to a friend of mine’s son in his high school English class. She explained on her Facebook page that her son’s teacher gave an assignment in which the students had to write a response to an event that she said was a true story. Here was the synopsis: “A girl stayed out all night. When she came home, her father asked her where she was, and she said she was with her boyfriend. The father then took the girl outside and gave her a gun and told her to shoot her pet as punishment. The girl wouldn’t do it, but then she went and committed suicide with the gun.” The teacher directed the students to write about who/what was at fault. My friend’s son said it was the girl’s fault: she could have chosen not to shoot herself or her pet. But in the end, the teacher told the students that it was the GUN that was at fault.

As a mom, I’m horrified. As a former English teacher, I’m shocked. As a firearms instructor, I’m agitated. As a responsible gun owner, I’m angry. What, precisely, was the point of this writing task? Even overlooking the idiotic (but expected) gun-control conclusion, this is just a sickening assignment. It does not belong in a high school class. It’s wrong on so many levels. Relationship issues. Lying. Anger management. Violence. Animal abuse. Child abuse. Child endangerment. Emotional abuse. Suicide. And based on the teacher’s response that a GUN was to blame for a young girl’s death, this doesn’t sound like an “English” lesson at all, but rather a thinly veiled attempt at pushing her own agendas. This was not in any way appropriate. For a deviant psychology lesson or a college-level forensics study? Perhaps, but definitely not for a high school English assignment.

Comments from others immediately began to appear, with other parents sharing their thoughts on what they would do in a situation like this. One mom stated, “I would immediately go to the principal and then to the school board. I would also contact any parents that I knew whose children were in the class.”

Several others agreed, with most parents claiming a trip to the principal’s office was in order, though many had different approaches—from being ready to share facts about firearms to focusing on the dangerous message of suicide that the teacher’s scenario presented.

Another concerned mother added, “I would talk to the teacher, the principal, and the school board. Guns cannot do anything by themselves. I don’t understand that level of ignorance. It’s an inanimate object. And if this is a true story, then shame on the father for the emotional abuse of his daughter, causing her to feel she had to kill herself. And shame on the teacher for sharing this. I think the whole situation says more about the teacher and her problems than it does about the gun.”

Exactly my thoughts. If this were my child, I would most certainly be reporting this to the principal and/or to the school board as an inappropriate assignment. Because, ultimately, you really want to know who or what was at fault in this scenario? The teacher.