USCCA Firearms & Self-Defense Blog
Be prepared with a variety of concealed carry and firearms tips and tactics that can help keep you and your family safe both inside and outside of your home. Find helpful articles and videos, including the Into the Fray training series, that cover everything from situational awareness and conflict avoidance to cover vs. concealment and the use of force in a critical encounter.
Recent Self-Defense Articles
The Police Think You’re a Criminal
When the police arrive at the scene of a self-defense shooting, it is important for those involved in the incident to remain calm and cooperative. The responding officers may have very limited informa[…]
Continue Reading →How to Stay Safe on Vacation
We’re getting closer to summer break, and that means more travel for a lot of folks. While I travel all year long for work, I know that when school’s out, many couples, groups and families get ready f[…]
Continue Reading →Ask Ed: Concealed Carry FAQs — May 2023
NOTE: USCCA Customer Engagement team members get a lot of questions, and they pass a good number of them along to Concealed Carry Magazine Senior Editor Ed Combs. If you have a question, you can eithe[…]
Continue Reading →Why You Shouldn’t Chase Your Attacker
Transcript from the video Sometimes you just have to be reminded as a gun owner: “Will my action put my life at severe risk, and is it worth it?” In this video, I’m breaking down a real incident[…]
Continue Reading →Breaking Free: Domestic Abuse & Self-Defense, Part 2
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is Part 2 of a four-part series on domestic abuse and self-defense. This article analyzes the challenges, obstacles and dangers of escaping an abusive relationship. Part 1 | Part 2[…]
Continue Reading →Home Safety Tips for Families
In 1736, Benjamin Franklin counseled fire-threatened Philadelphians that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Clearly, some careful forethought and preparation is better than haphazardly[…]
Continue Reading →Moving While Hitting
Movement while shooting is an essential part of any effective defense. The ability to move will help defenders put distance between themselves and an attacker. A moving target is also more difficult f[…]
Continue Reading →The Kobayashi Maru Scenario: Quick on Target and Accurate Hits
EDITOR’S NOTE: In this new column, attorney Anthony L. DeWitt will analyze actual self-defense incidents that made the news, determining whether the involved parties made sound tactical and legal deci[…]
Continue Reading →Force of Habit: Training and the Power of Routine
Why is training, specifically in the context of defensive shooting, so important? The answer may surprise you. Understanding the power of training begins with understanding what happens in an emergenc[…]
Continue Reading →Mastering the Draw
When you’re ready to carry concealed, getting shots on target isn’t the only aspect of defensive firearms training you should consider. Practicing to clear your firearm from a holster is an impo[…]
Continue Reading →What to Expect Your First Time at an Outdoor Range
Everyone I’ve ever taken shooting at an outdoor range loved the adventure. If you’re new to shooting, though, going by yourself can be an intimidating experience fraught with worry and uncertainty. No[…]
Continue Reading →Fear, Shame and Despair: Domestic Abuse & Self-Defense, Part 1
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is Part 1 of a four-part series on domestic abuse and self-defense. This article explores the physical and psychological trauma experienced by domestic abuse victims. Part 1 | Part[…]
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