USCCA Responds: Connecticut Lawmakers Should Target Criminals, Not Law-Abiding Citizens

West Bend, WI –​ A recent legislative proposal by Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont is the latest example of bad policymaking that targets law-abiding citizens, instead of criminals.  

On February 7th, Governor Lamont announced that he will seek to pass a package of new legislative proposals “aimed at eliminating gun violence” across the state.  Specifically, he would support modifying the state’s carry laws so that anytime and anywhere police officers could stop a citizen who is open carrying and ask to see their permit. He also proposed a ban on the carrying of firearms in polling places, public buildings, public transit, and at demonstrations (such as marches, rallies, vigils, sit-ins, protests, etc.).

In response, U.S. Concealed Carry Association President and Founder Tim Schmidt said, “As an organization that exists to help responsibly-armed Americans avoid danger, save lives and keep their families safe, we believe elected leaders at the local, state and federal level must carry this same responsibility.  That is why it’s deeply troubling to see Governor Lamont’s call for more failed laws and regulations that largely target law-abiding citizens instead of criminals.  These new gun-control measures will do nothing to reduce crime.  Instead, they will further limit responsible gun ownership that prevents Connecticut citizens from keeping themselves and their families safe at all times.”

The Governor’s call for a new “stop and frisk” policy is especially egregious as it would allow police officers to target law-abiding citizens who legally open carry or concealed carry with a required Connecticut Pistol Permit (CTPP) and detain them at any time for simply choosing to protect themselves and their loved ones.  Further, prohibiting law-abiding gun owners from traveling on public transit or in areas of high traffic is irresponsible, as these types of locations are often where violent offenders target innocent civilians.

Notably, even though Connecticut already has some of the harshest anti-gun laws in the country, violent crime has been on the rise.  The number of murders in Connecticut in 2020 represented a 30% increase from the year before. Unfortunately, instead of targeting criminals or acknowledging the clear link between rising crime and cutting police budgets, Governor Lamont is instead targeting law-abiding citizens.  “Eliminating gun violence” is just another phrase used by anti-gun lawmakers to trick their constituencies into thinking they are working in their best interest when in fact, these efforts will not result in safer communities.  It isn’t the tool that needs controlling, it’s about stopping criminals who perpetrate violent crimes with guns.  The reality is, crime will only continue to rise if law-abiding citizens’ ability to defend themselves or their loved ones is further restricted. 

Criminals by definition have no respect for our laws and our elected officials must work to develop proposals that target violent offenders instead of law-abiding residents who choose to exercise their Second Amendment rights.




About the USCCA. The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) is an association of responsible armed Americans whose members get exceptional self-defense education, lifesaving training, and self-defense liability insurance, preparing them for the before, during and after of a lawful act of self-defense. The USCCA is the largest, fastest-growing self-defense association dedicated to responsible gun owners.

USCCA Responsibly Armed Americans