When it comes to carry guns, I like snubbies because they’re simple and reliable. But I also like single-stack nines because they’re thin and light. Come to think of it, I sure carry my compact double-stack polymer pistol a lot, because I’ve learned how to shoot it really well. But I also enjoy carrying a good 1911. Hard to beat that single-action trigger and superb grip angle. And its thin slide makes carrying it very comfortable. Every now and again I go for a smaller 1911 — a 3-inch-barreled gun such as an Iver Johnson Thrasher. And when I carry this gun, I usually do so in a CrossBreed SuperTuck Deluxe, an inside-the-waistband holster made from plastic, leather and metal. CrossBreed makes many holsters for many guns, but the SuperTuck Deluxe is great for packing a smaller 1911 — like the Thrasher — very well.

Before I tell you why, let me give you a 30-second overview of the Iver Johnson Thrasher. Retailing for $636, the Thrasher looks and feels like an old-school 1911 but with a shorter barrel. The trigger, manual safety and sights are all military-style. The frame and slide are 4140 CNC-machined steel, resulting in an overall weight of 1.9 pounds, which is on the heavier side for a subcompact gun. There’s more to say about the Thrasher, but two trips to the range confirmed its accuracy, reliability and faithfulness to overall 1911 awesomeness. More on this in another review. For now, let it suffice to say that I’m comfortable carrying this gun concealed — Condition 1, of course.

So why carry the Thrasher in the SuperTuck Deluxe? Three reasons, really: It pulls the gun in close, distributes the gun’s weight evenly across my hip and gun belt and is comfortable. These features aren’t exclusive to the Thrasher and the SuperTuck; other gun/holster combos provide similar results. But this is just one of those combinations worth mentioning to you. A few more details…

Pulls the gun in close. It’s difficult to get a much closer carry than inside the waistband, but not all IWB gun/holster combinations are created equal. A 1911 inside a skinny holster like this CrossBreed, with the outer edges of the holster sitting behind a real gun belt, simply flattens out very well. It’s low profile enough to hide a gun with only a t-shirt when carried (for me) at 4 o’clock.

Distributed weight. Not only is the Thrasher pulled in close, the weight of the gun — about two pounds, remember — gets distributed evenly over the holster and my gun belt. SuperTuck has a large leather backer behind the plastic carrier and two large metal clips that do this work. And they do it well. At first, putting on and wearing the SuperTuck seems like a chore. A bit of wrestling gets it inside your waistband and a little more gets the clips over the belt. Once it’s installed and carrying your gun, it still feels like a lot but then you get used to it. And then the rig is not only tolerable, it’s actually comfortable.

Comfortable. Comforting, of course. And stable, secure, hidden and working in concert with belt and clothing to comfortably keep a gun at the ready. In this holster, the Thrasher feels totally at home; the CrossBreed gives it a forward cant, offering a combat grip of the Thrasher’s stocks whenever you want it.

Drawing the Thrasher from the SuperTuck Deluxe is a simple grasp and tug up and slightly forward. Reholstering is virtually as easy. But for the rest of the time you’re carrying, you’ll enjoy the close ride, distributed weight and comfort — all part of packing this smaller 1911 well.

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