I can’t stress strongly enough how important a laser sight is as a force multiplier in an armed self-defense situation. A quality laser sight enhances your self-defense capabilities in the following ways:

  1. Reduces your sight alignment focal points from three (front sight aligned with rear sight, centered on a target) down to one (the target on which the laser dot rests).
  2. The placement of a laser-sight dot on the body of a potentially deadly assailant leaves no doubt in that person’s mind where a fired bullet will strike. It can be very discouraging.
  3. Accurate fire can be delivered on target no matter what position the user is in — grounded or otherwise — since conventional sight alignment isn’t required.

Currently, nine of my 12 defensive handguns are equipped with laser sights, all but two from Crimson Trace. I think Crimson Trace Corporation (CTC) makes the best laser-sighting systems available. I have been using them since 1998. The CMR-206 Rail Master Universal Green Laser Sight is one of the newer additions to Crimson’s lineup.

The Rail Master, which is still available with the original red laser, is designed to provide a laser sight for owners of firearms that may not be readily adaptable to other CTC lasers, such as the original Lasergrip. The green-laser version ups the ante by providing a dot that is more visible to the human eye, particularly in daylight.

CTC Green Rail Master Specifications

The Green Rail Master is a standard 5mW peak, 515 nM Class 3R green laser, powered by a single 1/3N Lithium cell. It has a two-hour runtime and is sighted in for 50 feet. It is extremely lightweight due to its small size and polymer construction. It adds no noticeable weight when mounted.

Material:          Polymer
Battery Type:   1/3N Lithium
Battery Life:     2+ hours
Laser Output:   5mW
Dot Size:           Approximately 0.5 inches at 50 feet

The Rail Master is activated by the ambidextrous tab levers mounted on either side of the unit. There are multiple adapters included to ensure a proper fit on various Weaver or Picatinny rail systems.

Setting Up Your Crimson Trace CMR-206 Rail Master

The Rail Master has three separate modes of operation, all user-programmable. It comes set in constant-on mode from the factory. If you want to change to a momentary-on or constant-on strobe mode, all you need to do is press both tabs simultaneously and hold them for three seconds. This allows you to cycle through modes, releasing the tabs when you get to the one you want. I set my sample in the strobe mode, which I have found to be the most visible and attention-getting. Unlike a bright weapon light, a constant-on laser isn’t a tactical hindrance. There is nowhere near as much collateral light being generated.

Mounting the CMR-206 is Easy

I mounted the Rail Master on the Kel-Tec .40-caliber SUB2000 carbine I have been working with, and the laser sight proved to be the perfect addition. (Note that the CTC laser is mounted on the rail in front of the forend.)

After installing the battery, I mounted the Rail Master on the lower rail — under the barrel — which is really the only place to mount it unless you take advantage of the SUB2000’s M-LOK capability (something I don’t recommend doing here). I positioned it just ahead of the handgrip.

When the Rail Master is mounted directly below the barrel and in line with it, there is only elevation to worry about in terms of coordinating the laser with the fixed sights. Windage is automatically taken care of. I found the Rail Master co-witnessed with the fixed sights perfectly without adjustment. The sparkling green dot sat perfectly atop the aligned front-sight dot at all indoor distances, and the activation tabs are easily reached with the support-hand thumb.

The CMR-206 Rail Master Green Laser Sight doesn’t interfere with the ability to fully close the SUB2000 and adds next to nothing to its profile — something which would not be possible with a larger sighting system.

Right now, both the red and green CTC Rail Master sights are on sale. The Rail Master in red is priced at an incredible $139 and the green version at only $199.


Crimson Trace: CrimsonTrace.com
KelTec Weapons: KelTecWeapons.com

About Scott W. Wagner

After working undercover in narcotics and liquor investigations, Scott W. Wagner settled down to be a criminal justice professor and police academy commander. He was also a SWAT team member, sniper and assistant team leader before his current position as patrol sergeant with the Village of Baltimore, Ohio, Police Department. Scott is a police firearms instructor certified to train revolver, semi-automatic pistol, shotgun, semi- and fully automatic patrol rifle, and submachine gun.