There are many reports of concealed carry permit holders stopping crimes, including mass murderers.
The concept of allowing citizens to arm themselves to protect their families and communities spurs much debate. Is the U.S. a safer place with or without concealed and constitutional carry legislation? The research may surprise you.
While this may be a completely legitimate concern, the data gathered regarding violent crimes perpetrated with guns from pre- and post constitutional (permitless) carry laws and shall-issue laws tells us otherwise.
The following data has been taken from a research study entitled, “Shall Issue”: The New Wave of Concealed Handgun Permit Laws, by Clayton E. Cramer & David B. Kopel, October 1994. From the enactment of the 1987 Florida carry reform until August 31, 1992, the Dade County permit incident tracking project provided the most detailed information available about actual incidents involving carry permit holders. The tracking program had been created as a result of intense fears among some police administrators about the consequences of the carry reform law. The Dade police kept detailed records of all arrest and non-arrest incidents involving permit holders in Dade County.
Officials abandoned the tracking program in the fall of 1992 because of the rarity of incidents involving carry permit holders and the greatly diminished concern about the issue on the part of law enforcement administrators.
There are lots of people, including myself, who thought things would be a lot worse as far as that particular situation [carry reform] is concerned. I’m happy to say they’re not.
Rep. Ron Silver, the leading opponent of Florida’s carry reform in November 1990
I haven’t seen where we have had any instance of persons with permits causing violent crimes, and I’m constantly on the lookout.
John Fuller, general counsel for the Florida Sheriffs Assoc. from “Police Say Concealed Weapons Law Has Not Brought Rise in Violence,” Palm Beach Post, July 26, 1988
The Florida/Dade reports show the following (click here for more details):
I haven’t seen where we have had any instance of persons with permits causing violent crimes, and I’m constantly on the lookout.
John Fuller, general counsel for the Florida Sheriffs Assoc. from “Police Say Concealed Weapons Law Has Not Brought Rise in Violence,” Palm Beach Post, July 26, 1988
Analysis of murder rates indicates that these fears have been unfounded. The issuing of concealed carry permits has not led to an increased homicide rate.
On June 29, 2017, the Milwaukee police union president spoke about how law-abiding concealed carry permit holders are indicating that the police had not arrested “even one” since 2011 when Wisconsin’s shall-issue process was instituted.
Questions: How many concealed carry permit holders are charged with crimes committed with a concealed handgun? In Illinois?
0.59 per 100,000 in the U.S.
0.63 per 100,000 in Illinois
As reported in “Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the U.S.,” 2018, carry laws appear not to have a noticeable impact on the homicide rate in most states (Florida, perhaps, excepted).
Some criminologists have suggested that the state of the economy has a significant impact on murder rates, and that the mass media’s glorification of violence plays some significant role in promoting brutality.
Nearly all criminologists agree that demographics play a crucial role in crime rates. As the percentage of the population in its late teens and early twenties increases, so will murder rates. Males in this age group are disproportionately involved in violent crime. (About 50 percent of murderers are under 25.)
It is also important to recognize the dramatic effects that a small number of murderers can have in less populous states. The murder rates of West Virginia, Idaho and Montana vary dramatically from year to year. Because the populations are small, one serious criminal can dramatically raise the murder rate one year. The rate drops greatly when he is caught or moves on. As a result, more populous states provide more useful data to judge the effects of shall-issue laws. “Shall Issue”: The New Wave of Concealed Handgun Permit Laws, by Clayton E. Cramer & David B. Kopel, 1994.
Of the various alternatives to preventing mass public shootings, law enforcement officers believe that civilian concealed carry is the most effective.
Gun Policy & Law Enforcement, PoliceOne, March 2013.
There are many reports of concealed carry permit holders stopping crimes, including mass murderers.
On February 13, 2019, concealed handgun permit holder Larry Seagroves came to the aid of individuals at a dentist office in Colonial Heights, Tennessee. A lone gunman had fatally shot his wife and turned his gun to shoot other people present in the office. Seagroves shot the gunman, wounding him and holding him down until authorities arrived. Sullivan County Sheriff Jeff Cassidy said: “From everything I’ve heard, he was flawless in his execution, his stopping of, eliminating the threat, holding the threat down until law enforcement arrived. He was a concealed carry permit holder and I’m going to call him a hero today.” Even the killer called Seagroves a hero. “You all wouldn’t be dealing with me right now if the hero hadn’t stepped in,” he told police after the attack.
In a survey of more than 15,000 law enforcement officers, 91 percent said concealed carry should be permitted to citizens without question and without further restrictions.
Gun Policy & Law Enforcement, PoliceOne, March 2013
The minimum age to obtain a concealed handgun license (CHL) in Texas is 21. A study found the following data regarding Texas men and women over the age of 21.
“An Analysis of the Arrest Rate of Texas Concealed Carry Handgun License Holders as Compared to the Arrest Rate of the Entire Texas Population 1996 – 1998, Revised to Include 1999 and 2000 Data” — William E. Sturdevant, 2000
John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center, compared the behavior of CCW holders to police. He concluded that, “concealed handgun permit holders are extremely law-abiding.” And added, “In Florida and Texas, permit holders are convicted of misdemeanors and felonies at 1/6 of the rate at which police officers are convicted.” Among police, firearms violations occur at a rate of 16.5 per 100,000 officers. Among permit holders in Florida and Texas, the rate [of firearms violations] is only 2.4 per 100,000. That is just 1/7 of the rate for police officers. In addition, misdemeanors which cost permit holders their licenses might have been speeding violations or other simple violations having nothing to do with violence or concealed carry. So CCW holders are likely even more law-abiding than these numbers suggest.
Although too small of a small sample size to provide much statistical significance, the FBI analyzed 50 active-shooter incidents from 2016 and 2017. In 10 incidents, citizens confronted the shooter. In eight of those incidents, one or more citizens safely and successfully acted to end the shooting.
“More Guns, Less Crime: Concealed-Carry Permit Holders More Law-abiding Than Police”, The New American, Bob Adelmann, February 14, 2019
True Story From a USCCA Member
This Attorney Was Beaten Within an Inch of His Life — Now Gives a Voice to the Good Guys
A group of friends were confronted and surrounded by multiple men in an alley. Not knowing whether they were going to live or die, and after being beaten and having a gun put to their heads — the emotional scars of this incident still haunt USCCA Network Attorney Dave McDermott. Today this harrowing story still guides him in his purpose to help others.