Find a Shooting Range or Gun Club Near You

Looking for a shooting range for target practice and firearms training? The USCCA in partnership with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and its “Where to Shoot” website can help you find a firing range, gun club or sportsmen’s club near you. We’re proud to share this great resource so you can learn and practice the skills you need to protect yourself and your family.
Looking for a shooting range for target practice and training? The USCCA, in partnership with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) and its WhereToShoot website, can help you find a shooting range, gun club or sportsmen’s club near you. We’re proud to share this great resource so you can learn and practice the skills you need to protect yourself and your family.

Choosing a Shooting Range​

Learning how to safely handle a gun and defend yourself should be a positive, empowering experience. But it can also be a little intimidating. A good shooting range will welcome and work patiently with anyone who wants to become a responsible gun owner and protector. Look for a firing range or gun club with:

  • A certified range safety officer (RSO)
  • A good selection of safety equipment and ammunition
  • Handguns you can rent to find the firearm that’s right for you
  • Classes led by experienced USCCA Certified Instructors

WhereToShoot is the internet’s most comprehensive listing of gun ranges. Managed by the NSSF, this interactive map is updated frequently with range listings for every state. If you own a firing range or gun club and want to attract more customers, the NSSF encourages you to enter or update your range information free of charge at their website,

WhereToShoot is the internet’s most comprehensive listing of gun ranges. Managed by the NSSF, this interactive map is updated frequently with range listings for every state. If you own a firing range or gun club and want to attract more customers, the NSSF encourages you to enter or update your range information free of charge at their website,

Concealed Carry Classes & Shooting Range Listings

We’ll help you find and register for training in your area.

Check out our list of USCCA Official Partners. These are “the best of the best” shooting ranges and offer USCCA training and products.

Concealed Carry Classes & Shooting Range Listings

We’ll help you find and register for training in your area.

NEED A PLACE TO PRACTICE OR PURCHASE HANDGUNS AND MORE? Check out our list of USCCA Official Partners. These are “the best of the best” shooting ranges, and offer USCCA training and products.

There’s No Substitute for Live-Fire Practice

Though dry-fire training is an important component of defensive shooting, there is no replacement for actually going to the shooting range and drawing and firing your daily carry pistol. If you are not thoroughly familiar with how it leaves the holster and shoots, you will not be as ready as you can be to respond to a deadly force scenario. Similarly, if you haven’t tested your sidearm with different types of ammunition, then you haven’t optimized that pistol or revolver for lifesaving use. Different powder charges and bullet weights pattern differently out of different firearms, and even a small variance can have a big impact on your accuracy.

Along those lines, the only way to be certain that you will be able to effectively employ your home-defense shotgun or carbine is to train with it. Safety manipulation, reloads and rapid sight picture acquisition are all essentials when it comes to home defense, and practice drills with an empty gun will only get you so far. Like the handgun you carry every day, your rifle and shotgun will have preferred loads, and it is important that you assess several options before you settle on what you’re willing to bet your life on. Remember, you owe it to those who depend on you as a protector to be as proficient as you can with that shotgun or rifle, and that means you must invest time in shooting it.

Whether you’re training with defensive drills, blasting some clays or just plinking, time at the shooting range is time well spent. Indoors or outdoors, ranges give responsibly armed Americans opportunities to hone their skills, try out new firearms and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with being prepared.

From the USCCA Blog

Getting New Shooters to the Gun Range

Getting New Shooters to the Gun Range

Beth Alcazar — August 13, 2019

Taking a First-Time Shooter to the Range

Taking a First-Time Shooter to the Range

Tom McHale — August 4, 2019

Why Anti-Gun People Should Go to the Range

Why Anti-Gun People Should Go to the Range

Tom McHale — July 20, 2019