USCCA Membership differs from concealed carry insurance in that it offers a broader range of benefits beyond self-defense liability coverage. While a concealed carry insurance company may provide a card and phone number for emergencies, the USCCA’s benefits extend far beyond that, prioritizing top-notch self-defense education and training, in addition to connecting members to a network of like-minded individuals and offering friendly, first-rate customer support. These are benefits that traditional insurance providers do not offer.

Comprehensive Training and Education Resources 

The USCCA stands as an industry leader in gun safety, situational awareness and self-defense education. It provides valuable information on legal matters, current events and the concealed carry lifestyle, preparing you for what you might encounter before, during and after an act of self-defense. While responsibly armed citizens hope to avoid the use of deadly force, USCCA Members can trust in their superior training to respond quickly, confidently and appropriately should the need arise to stop a threat. 

In-Person Classes 

For in-person training, the USCCA offers access to a nationwide network of over 250 USCCA Partner ranges, 3,000 USCCA Certified Instructors and 1,000 classes. Class topics range from Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals to Women’s Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals to Emergency-First Aid Fundamentals. This wide range of training options allows you to choose the ideal range, instructor and course to suit your individual needs and preferences.

Find Concealed Carry & Home-Defense Fundamentals classes near you

Protector Academy

For those with time and budget constraints, the USCCA provides a convenient online training option through the USCCA Protector Academy. Train how you want, when you want, where you want by downloading Protector Academy App, available on both the App Store and Google Play.

Monitor your progress and earn badges and achievements as you complete qualification courses designed to help you master critical lifesaving skills.

Whether you are a new gun owner, experienced shooter or someone in between, the USCCA’s training videos are rich in valuable lessons and include topics such as:

  • Proving Ground
  • Prop Tip of the Week
  • Women’s Concealed Carry & Personal Protection Guide
  • Armed and Ready
  • Mental Health and Firearms
  • Mastering Handgun Confidence
  • Ask an Attorney

Concealed Carry Magazine

The “ultimate resource for responsibly armed Americans” and the official publication of the USCCA, Concealed Carry Magazine provides valuable content for USCCA Members. This includes:

  • Self-defense tips and tactics
  • Practical drills from industry experts
  • Unbiased gun and gear reviews, covering firearms, everyday carry accessories, and non-lethal weapons
  • True stories of self-defense from individuals like you

USCCA Members can enjoy the benefit of receiving eight issues of this award-winning publication each year, helping them stay informed and well-prepared in their concealed carry journey.

Reciprocity Resources

The USCCA Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & U.S. Gun Laws page is an essential tool for understanding concealed carry and self-defense laws in every state. This resource is designed to assist you in navigating the complexities of each state’s laws, providing detailed information on where you can and cannot carry your firearm. The Reciprocity by USCCA App offers the convenience of personalizing your reciprocity map and is available on both the App Store and Google Play.

Self-Defense Liability Insurance

No one desires to find themselves in a situation where the only option is violent self-defense, whether involving a gun or otherwise — but it happens. The USCCA is there to assist and support responsibly armed Americans, like yourself, through the daunting and overwhelming aftermath of a self-defense incident.

The USCCA helps responsible Americans prepare for all aspects of a self-defense situation. In addition to providing education and training, the USCCA has purchased an insurance policy that provides the association and its members with self-defense liability insurance.*

Red Flag Laws

Your USCCA Membership benefits can assist you in any Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) challenges, typically known as “red flag” laws. This will help you keep and continue to exercise your Second Amendment rights!

Court Records

In most states, records associated with a self-defense incident remain in the public domain. Having a USCCA Membership helps you expunge and/or seal those records. The charges (even when you’re found innocent) don’t cloud up your record, so you can put the whole ordeal behind you for good.

Recovery & Recoupment

The policy, purchased by the USCCA from Delta Defense, LLC and provided by Universal Fire & Casualty Insurance Company (UFCIC), has never recovered or recouped any funds from a USCCA Member. There are some states that require a Recovery & Recoupment clause within contracts as insurance can’t legally cover a crime. This is a compulsory clause that will only be enforced if a government agency has forced the Insurer to act. [You can read more about the policy purchased from Delta Defense, LLC here

Are USCCA Member Benefits Impartial?

USCCA Membership benefits after a self-defense incident are not determined by the insurance company (UFCIC) or the USCCA’s provider, Delta Defense, LLC. UFCIC is contractually required to grant coverage as long as your defense attorney believes in good faith that your self-defense claim is legitimate and the judge allows your attorney to make that argument in court until a final, non-appealable finding of guilt is reached.

Can USCCA Members Choose Their Own Attorneys?

A USCCA Member can select his or her own attorney, with only two restrictions:

  1. The selected attorney has the necessary professional experience to defend the USCCA Member.
  2. The selected attorney agrees to the customary rates, reporting and billing guidelines from UFCIC.

Who Is Delta Defense, LLC?

Delta Defense, LLC provides services and support to the United States Concealed Carry Association. You can learn more about the policy purchased from Delta Defense, LLC on the USCCA Member Policy page on Delta Defense, LLC’s website.

Learn More About USCCA Membership

Critical Response Team 

The compassionate and knowledgeable 24/7/365 Critical Response Team is available to provide assistance in the aftermath of a self-defense incident and, if necessary, are ready to provide resources for connecting you with a self-defense attorney from the USCCA Attorney Network. Equally important, they will provide vital support and reassurance during this emotionally charged and stressful period, remaining with you throughout the entire process.

24/7 Friendly Member Support

The USCCA takes great pride in its Member Services team, which is located at its headquarters in West Bend, Wisconsin. Whenever you reach out to them, whether it’s for an emergency, account-related questions, discussions about gun laws or just to have a friendly conversation, you’ll be greeted by a real, live person. This extends to all communication channels, including email, social media or live chat. The USCCA’s Member Services staff, many of whom are daily concealed carriers, are available 24/7 to offer guidance and information. They are here for you, anytime.

Community of Like-Minded Individuals

As a USCCA Member, you become part of a community of over 700,000 like-minded Americans who share your belief in the Second Amendment and the responsibility of carrying concealed. The USCCA Community is a space where you can discuss self-defense education and training with other USCCA Members.

Unlocking the Benefits of USCCA Membership

Every USCCA Membership is risk-free thanks to its 30-Day, Money-Back, Bulletproof Guarantee. If you decide that the USCCA isn’t the right fit for you, simply reach out to the Member Services team and request a prompt and courteous refund. 

The true value of your USCCA Membership lies in the confidence you’ll gain as a more educated, trained and protected gun-owning American. This level of value and guarantee is something you won’t find with concealed carry insurance or from the USCCA’s competitors. Don’t wait any longer. The benefits of USCCA Membership are incredibly valuable and well worth the investment.

*Insurance has been purchased by the USCCA and is one of the benefits of membership in the USCCA. USCCA members are additional insureds under a policy issued to the USCCA by Universal Fire and Casualty Insurance Company, an insurance company with its principal place of business in Hudsonville, MI. Coverage and benefits are subject to the benefits, conditions, and exclusions of the insurance policy. Information provided herein is for informational purposes and is not intended to be a representation of coverage that may exist in any particular situation. Contact Delta Defense’s Customer Engagement Team at 1-800-674-9779 with any questions.

See Full Membership Agreement & the Self-Defense Liability Policy for Details: 

All membership benefits are detailed more fully in, and are subject to the benefits, conditions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the USCCA Membership Agreement and the Self-Defense Liability Policy.

View USCCA Membership Agreement

View Self-Defense Liability Policy

USCCA Membership is not available to residents of New Jersey, New York or Washington State.

Delta Defense, LLC provides sales, marketing, operations and administrative support services to the USCCA and is a licensed insurance agency in all 50 states and the District of Columbia with its principal office in West Bend, WI. Delta Defense, LLC does business as Delta Defense Insurance Services in California. California License #0M34093