Using the restroom while carrying a concealed firearm should not be a problem. But lots of people are asking what they should do with a gun when they really have to go. This whole video started when one intrepid viewer pointed out a problem he had using the urinal while carrying inside-the-waistband appendix. He said his holster kept pulling down his pants. In that situation, all I can say is: Keep your belt secured and only open your zipper. The belt will keep the gun in place. That is true for all uses of the urinal no matter where you have your gun. Keep your belt closed and only open your zipper. I think the term is “puppet show.”

If you must make a “major transaction” in the restroom, I suggest leaving your holster clipped to your belt and leaving the gun in the holster. You may want to look for a restroom stall all the way on the right (if you are right-handed) because that will keep your gun closer to the wall and reduce the chances that someone will try to reach under from an adjoining stall to grab your gun. But this falls into the category of situational awareness. Pay attention if someone enters the stall next to you. For someone to grab for your gun under the wall of a stall, he would have to do things people don’t normally do in a bathroom stall. When you notice that, get hold of your gun, just in case.

I don’t suggest taking the gun out of the holster because then you have a loaded gun out of the holster and you are looking for a safe place to put it. The safest place for that gun is in the holster.

Using a public restroom with your gun does not have to be complicated. Practice at home before you go out in public. Just keep control of your gun at all times.

There Is One Other Option

If you are really out of sorts using a public restroom with a firearm, you can look for a restroom that only allows one person in the room at a time. These smaller restrooms give you much more privacy when doing your business — with or without a firearm.


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