I am always on the lookout for concealed carry holsters or systems that allow the user to carry deep yet still provide a high level of comfort and easy access to the gun. Not all systems do. So, if the concealed carry system you are using is detectable by others, uncomfortable or makes it difficult to quickly and safely access your concealment arm, there is something wrong somewhere.
CCW Breakaways concealed carry khakis, cargos, jeans and shorts provide an additional carry option that fulfills the mission of concealed carry systems. And they do it with a simplicity that shows a great understanding of what concealed carriers need. Sometimes the greatest ideas are the simplest.
I first encountered CCW Breakaways at the 2019 USCCA Concealed Carry Expo. (If you haven’t attended an Expo yet, you really should.) I was immediately impressed by the ability of the trousers to conceal relatively large handguns without detection — even guns in the Glock 19 or larger range.
I selected the “Docker”-style khakis, as they are dressier than cargo pants, making them great for church and work. Church security teams are starting to use CCW Breakaways so that team members can carry larger handguns without alarming parishioners.
How CCW Breakaways Work
CCW Breakaways utilize the front pockets of the trousers as elongated concealment pouches. At the top of the pockets, there are tabs concealed underneath the beltline flap concealing two snaps. Unlike an inside-the-waistband holster with clips visible on the outer belt, everything is kept out of sight until needed. When you need quick access to your handgun, reach into the pocket and get full grip control with your finger on the frame. Then, push slightly outward with the drawing hand against the snaps. They pop clear and allow full access to the pouch.
The interior pouch is cut to position the handgun on top or in front of the thigh. This is what keeps it from printing. For larger Glocks and similar pistols with single-action-type pulls and no additional manual safety, I recommend the use of the accessory trigger guard shields. It is important to keep the trigger protected from any possible snagging outside the pants or inadvertent trigger finger placement during the draw. This is especially important considering the area in which the pistol rests in the pouch.
Testing My CCW Breakaways
I tested the khakis with several different handguns: a SCCY 9mm, a Bond Arms Bullpup 9mm and a .40-caliber Glock 27. I initially tested the Breakaways using the SCCY and a standard IWB holster I had on hand (mainly because I didn’t want the gun to ride against my leg with nothing between it other than the pouch fabric).
Church seemed to be an appropriate place to test the SCCY. I carried a spare mag in the opposite pocket. It took just a few minutes to get used to the SCCY riding atop my thigh while I was seated in the car. By the time I was seated in church, I didn’t even notice it. I was totally comfortable for the duration of the service, even when ringing the church bell. I didn’t need a covering garment. I was even able to wear my shirt tucked in! There was only one slight downside to the khaki Breakaways: I could have used another pocket or two.
With the gun in the pouch, it occupies the entire pocket space. And you should never pile anything such as keys or knives on top of the gun. Pocket clutter can scratch the gun or, worse, get tangled in the trigger. Wearing a sport coat could help. It’s a tradeoff for wearing dressier, low-profile trousers. If you want to carry more everyday carry gear, order the cargo-style CCW Breakaways.
SkinTight Holster Option
For compact single- or double-stack semi-autos (like the three I listed above), CCW Breakaways has a new SkinTight inside-the-pocket holster. This new design uses a hard inner core of thermoformed Kydex with a soft, tacky outer skin. The inner core covers the trigger guard entirely and holds its shape, allowing you to smoothly draw (and reholster) the gun. This keeps the finger on the frame as the gun is removed from the SkinTight and clears the pants pouch. The tacky outer skin keeps the 1-ounce SkinTight in the pouch during the draw. The manufacturer’s website shows a current list of compatible guns. The shape of the SkinTight also reduces printing. I tested one of the samples with the Bond Arms Bullpup and Glock 27.
The Bullpup proved to be a great pistol for carry in the CCW Breakaways. The smooth rosewood grips did not adhere to the inside of the pocket pouch and were easy to grasp. Carrying the Glock 27 in the SkinTight provided extra assurance against an accidental discharge when drawing in an urgent situation. The SkinTight also works in standard trousers.
The ruggedly made CCW Breakaways khakis are priced at $75.99. Cargos are $79.99, and jeans are $69.99. The company offers several color options. Any of the Breakaways trousers or shorts should last a long time. Carefully follow the directions on the website when ordering.
CCW Breakaways Concealed Carry Clothing: CCWBreakaways.com
About Scott W. Wagner
Scott W. Wagner has been a law enforcement officer since 1980, working undercover in liquor and narcotics investigations and as a member, sniper and assistant team leader of a SWAT team. He currently works as a patrol sergeant. He is a police firearms instructor, certified to train revolver, semi-automatic pistol, shotgun, semi- and fully automatic patrol rifle, and submachine gun. Scott also works as a criminal justice professor and police academy commander.