A Better Way to Stop Mass Shootings

Tim Schmidt Voices His Solution to Avoiding Mass Shootings Without Knee-Jerk Legislation

The Roanoke Times recently featured Schmidt’s Op-Ed following the senseless attack on 12 innocent people in Virginia Beach.

Schmidt says, “After these tragedies, we often follow the same routine. Almost immediately anti-gun groups and politicians in every corner of the country kick and scream for stricter gun control laws as if it is a foregone conclusion that more laws will have any discernable impact on stopping future shootings…”

“When someone has decided to take as many lives as possible, they are one of the worst types of criminals. No law or regulation is going to stop them from carrying out these ruthless attacks.”

Schmidt continued, “Instead of a knee-jerk reaction calling for more limitations on Americans’ Second Amendment freedoms, Gov. Northam and other lawmakers should instead consider how we can empower the public to better protect themselves, their loved ones and their fellow citizens from these horrendous, violent crimes.”

Read the full article featured in the Roanoke Times here. 

We believe the most productive path forward is removing counterproductive restrictions on Americans’ Second Amendment rights. We will never know what could have been, but the fact is a responsible gun owner with a concealed weapon could have subdued the gunman and saved lives that day.

About the USCCA: 

The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) provides self-defense education, training, and legal protection, to responsible Americans. The USCCA is the largest and fastest-growing association whose sole focus is the responsibly armed American.


USCCA Responsibly Armed Americans