A good close-range revolver for those new to concealed carry is the Taurus 605 Tungsten Defender. The .357 Magnum/.38 Special revolver with a Combat Master outside-the-waistband holster from Galco* make for an excellent duo.

About the 605 Tungsten Revolver

Like all Taurus Defender Model 605 revolvers, this small frame five-shooter is chambered for the powerhouse .357 Magnum cartridge. But that means it can also take the less-powerful but still potent .38 Special cartridge. It features a tungsten Cerakote finish, which further enhances the rust resistance of the stainless-steel frame, cylinder and barrel, as well as reduces glare. With a barrel length of 3 inches, the sight radius and velocity are much increased when compared to a standard 2-inch revolver. The Defender features an integral full-length underlug, which improves recoil control and overall balance.

Taurus Defender Specifications

Overall length  7.50 inches
Width   1.41 inches
Height  4.8 inches
Weight 24 ounces
Sights   Fixed “trough” rear sight
Post tritium front sight with bright red-orange outline
Ejector rod       Extended length
Action  DA/SA with exposed hammer spur and transfer bar safety system
Grips    Altamont finger groove stippled wood grips with Taurus bull logo

The exposed hammer, cylinder latch release and extended ejector rod are blued, which contrasts nicely with the unique deep gray tungsten Cerakote finish. The trigger pull, albeit smooth, is a bit on the heavy side, measuring 11 pounds, 6 ounces. The single-action pull was much lighter, weighing in at a more manageable 4 pounds, 9 ounces.

The tritium front post sight is excellent, yet unobtrusive. While Taurus claims the front sight is a night sight with an orange outline, I find the color to be more vivid — a fluorescent red rather than orange. In any event, it stands out. The Altamont walnut-finished wood grips look great and provide a secure grip via the three finger grooves and stippling on the sides. And the finish won’t draw covering attire to the grips like rubber does.

Shooting the Defender

I tested the Taurus Defender 605 Tungsten .357 revolver using a wide variety of loads in both .38 Special and .357 Magnum. Testing was done from a distance of 21 feet, though a five-shot semi-snubnose revolver is a relatively close-range defensive handgun. All shots were fired double-action, two-hand standing.

Ammo Type Factory Muzzle Velocity (FPS) Factory


Energy (FP)

5-Shot Group Size (Inches) Comments
.38 Special Remington High Terminal Performance +P 158-grain lead semi-wadcutter hollow-point 890 278 4.0 The 158-grain LSWCHP was favored by law enforcement from the 1970s through 90s. Recoil was easily controlled, and accuracy was very good in the 605. My top choice for defensive revolver ammo in a .38 revolver.
.38 Special Magtech 158-grain RNL Practice 755 200 3.25 The 158-grain RNL was the longest serving police duty load in history. Now used mostly for target shooting, it is quite accurate with mild recoil.
.38 Special SIG SAUER 125-grain Elite FMJ Practice 900 225 3.75 This was the most accurate load tested. It shot precisely to point of aim and was easily controlled. 125-grain hollow-point loads might work best for self-defense for the average shooter.
.357 Magnum Liberty Ammunition Civil Defense 2,100 490 5.0 Attention-getting muzzle blast combined with controllable recoil. A powerhouse load that has proven impressive in clay block testing.
.357 Magnum SIG SAUER 125-grain Elite V-Crown JHP Load 1,424 583 4.25 A powerhouse .357 load that is reasonably controllable in full-sized revolvers but brutal in the small framed Taurus 605.

Galco Combat Master Holster

Prior to the Galco Combat Master holster, I had not been a fan of open-top rigs. However, this is becoming my favorite revolver holster due to its speed and efficiency. Galco sent me a version in black that contrasts nicely with the Taurus 605.

The Combat Master holds the firearm at just the right height above the beltline for me with a rearward muzzle cant. There is no tensioning screw adjustment used due to the precision fit and quality of the leather. And the belt slot position pulls the holster in tightly to the hip without hindering grip acquisition. It is super comfortable and was a joy to wear through an eight-hour day. So while the Taurus Defender 605-Tungsten will fit a LOT of holsters due to its standard five-shot configuration, the Galco CM318B is my preferred choice. Available for a wide variety of handguns, the Combat Master MSRP is $109.

Should You Buy the Taurus Defender 605 Tungsten

The Taurus Defender 605 Tungsten .357 is a great choice for self-defense shooters that want the .357 Magnum/.38 Special caliber options in a compact, solid configuration. And it has several very nice features thrown in. Teamed with the Galco Combat Master and the right loads, it makes a formidable defensive combo. MSRP is $517.33.


Taurus: TaurusUSA.com
SIG Sauer:

*USCCA Members can get 20 percent off Galco products. Log into your Member Dashboard to learn how.