As a responsibly armed American, you already know how challenging it can be to stay up to date on constantly changing gun laws…
Nevada gun owners, you’re in luck. We’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked firearms questions in your state. Read on for answers to some of the top questions regarding Nevada gun laws.
Is It Legal to Open Carry in Nevada?
Open carry is legal in Nevada. Anyone 18 and older who can legally possess a firearm may openly carry virtually anywhere in the state.
Can I Carry a Loaded Gun in My Car in Nevada?
Yes, but you can only concealed carry with a Nevada Concealed Firearm Permit (CFP) or a license/permit from a state Nevada honors. Without a permit, a handgun may not be concealed on your person. It must either be entirely visible or in a concealed place away from your person. In addition, although this ordinance conflicts with Nevada state law, North Las Vegas city ordinance 9.32.080 prohibits the carrying of dangerous and deadly weapons in vehicles unless carried in good faith for the purpose of “honest work, trade or business, or for the purpose of legitimate sport or recreation.” Loaded rifles or shotguns cannot have a cartridge in the firing chamber but may have a loaded magazine in the weapon.
Can You Carry a Concealed Weapon in a Casino in Nevada?
Yes, but only with a Nevada CFP or a license/permit from a state Nevada honors, provided the property is not posted. Casinos are not identified in Nevada statutes as off-limits for concealed carry. However, most casinos will have “No Weapons Allowed” signs posted. They will likely ask you to disarm or leave the property if you are discovered. Failure to do so would be trespassing.
Is Nevada a ‘Stand Your Ground’ State?
Yes. Nevada is a Castle Doctrine state and has a “stand your ground” law. In Nevada, the use of force for self-defense must meet certain criteria. The force used must be immediately necessary, must be in good faith and must be a reasonable response to the aggressor’s actions. A person is not required to try to retreat before using deadly force if the following three conditions are true: the person did not start the fight; had the right to be at the location where deadly force is used; and was not otherwise breaking the law at the time deadly force is used.
Do You Have to Register Your Gun in Nevada?
No. Nevada does not require the registration of firearms. In addition, no permit is required to purchase a handgun. As of Jan. 2, 2020, sales will be required to be conducted through a licensed federal firearms dealer with a background check. There are exceptions for some temporary transfers and sales or transfers of firearms between immediate family members.
Can a Felon Own a Gun in Nevada?
There are many factors that need to be considered in determining whether someone with a felony conviction may be able to own or possess firearms. In Nevada, it is illegal for a person who has been convicted of a felony or a domestic violence crime to possess a firearm. Nevada has expungement statutes. These have allowed some people who have been convicted of certain felonies to have them expunged from their records. This would allow complete restoration of the right to own and possess firearms. The best way to determine if this might be an option for you is to consult an experienced attorney in your area.
Does Nevada Recognize a California CCW? An Idaho CCW?
At this time, Nevada does not recognize California Concealed Carry Weapons Licenses (CCWL), although it does honor Enhanced Idaho Concealed Weapons Licenses (CWL). At this time Nevada honors a total of 27 states’ CCW permits, and 32 states recognize Nevada Firearm Permits but this is subject to change. Visit the Nevada gun laws page for up-to-date reciprocity information.
Ready to Learn More About Nevada Gun Laws?
It is your responsibility as a gun owner to know and understand the laws regarding your concealed carry rights. The USCCA’s Concealed Carry Reciprocity & Gun Laws Map has been designed to help inform and educate armed citizens like you. To learn more about Nevada’s concealed carry permit application process, concealed carry restrictions and training requirements, visit the Nevada gun laws page now…
The information contained on this website is provided as a service to USCCA, Inc. members and the concealed carry community and does not constitute legal advice. Although we attempt to address all areas of concealed carry laws in all states, we make no claims, representations, warranties, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information disclosed. Legal advice must always be tailored to the individual facts and circumstances of each individual case. Laws are constantly changing, and, as such, nothing contained on this website should be used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer.