Carrying a firearm for self-defense comes with a lot of responsibility. Knowing the laws where you carry is just one important task armed Americans must undertake. To help with that, we will be providing you with a summary of basic carry laws for several states. Learn about the most important things to know when carrying in the Land of Enchantment, New Mexico, below.
Concealed Carry Permitting in New Mexico
No permit is required for open or concealed carry of an unloaded firearm or transport of a loaded firearm in a vehicle in New Mexico. Open carry is legal without a permit for anyone at least 19 years of age who can legally possess a firearm. Concealed carry of a loaded firearm on foot is allowed for residents with a New Mexico Concealed Handgun License (CHL) and non-residents with a permit from a state that New Mexico honors. The minimum age to obtain a New Mexico CHL is 21 years old. A 15-hour handgun safety course that includes live-fire instruction is required.
State law limits concealed carry license holders to carrying one concealed gun at any given time. However, any number of firearms can be openly carried. New Mexico doesn’t issue non-resident permits with the exception of members of the military permanently stationed in New Mexico and their dependents. You may also carry pepper spray for personal protection, a stun gun or a Taser, as all are legal to purchase and possess without a permit.
Permits are not required when buying a handgun and there is no firearms registration in New Mexico. Private sales have to be administered by a licensed federal firearms dealer who will run a background check. There is also no mandatory waiting period for handgun purchases. New Mexico has no ammunition restrictions or magazine capacity restrictions.
Where Can One Concealed Carry in New Mexico?
In terms of locations where a concealed handgun may be carried, carry is allowed in vehicles without a permit for anyone 19 or older who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm. However, individuals without permits may not have the weapon concealed on their person upon exit from the vehicle. Carry is also allowed at roadside rest areas with a permit. Other areas where permitholders can carry concealed are:
- Restaurants exclusively licensed to sell only beer and wine, unless posted
- State/national parks
- State/national forests
Locations where carry is prohibited even for permitholders include:
- Public schools, colleges and universities (except in a private vehicle if older than 19)
- Public school buses
- Establishments licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages other than beer or wine
- Anywhere while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including certain prescription or over-the-counter medications
- City parks and recreation facilities in Albuquerque as of June 14, 2020
- Designated child-detention or correctional facilities
- Correctional facilities and jails
- Any state, county, municipal or tribal court
- State wildlife management areas/game refuges
- Tribal land
- Public buses
- Private property where the owner has posted signs indicating that you may not carry (or if the owner tells you that you cannot carry)
- Airport security zones
- Any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law or state law or regulation
Visit the USCCA New Mexico gun laws page now…
The information contained on this website is provided as a service to USCCA, Inc. members and the concealed carry community, and does not constitute legal advice. Although we attempt to address all areas of concealed carry laws in all states, we make no claims, representations, warranties, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information disclosed. Legal advice must always be tailored to the individual facts and circumstances of each individual case. Laws are constantly changing, and as such, nothing contained on this website should be used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer.