A safety on a firearm is simply a mechanical device. Whether you see a lever on the side of your pistol or not, that firearm still has some sort of safety mechanism.

Modern firearms without active external safety levers will utilize internal safety mechanisms to prevent the firearm from “going loud” unintentionally.

If you choose a firearm with a manual external safety, train with that firearm until disengaging the safety becomes second nature. Don’t train until you get it right. Train until you can’t get it wrong.

Yes. It Was Safe.

For the purposes of this video, we had to use real guns with real safeties. Before you start complaining about that, just assume that I triple-checked the firearms and that there was no ammunition even in the same room as we filmed.

In addition to the four cardinal safety rules, additional rules apply when it comes to training and fighting with a firearm:

  1. Know the status of your firearm at all times. (Status: cleared, checked, and triple checked.)
  2. Muzzle management. (Status: safe direction maintained during training.)
  3. Trigger finger discipline. (Status: maintained at all times. Finger was only on the trigger with known status and muzzle in a safe direction.)

These rules interlock. That is, you have to break more than one simultaneously to have a truly unsafe situation. No cameramen were endangered during the making of this video.