For those who wish to become the best protectors they can be for themselves and their families, myriad training aids exist. These tools can make a person a more competent shooter and defender. Some are more effective than others. But one truth for all tools is that you will receive the greatest benefit from a tool if you are taught how to properly use the tool.

The Tool

One such tool is the Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger (SIRT) Pistol. This is a tool that can help a person improve his or her marksmanship, defensive shooting and safe firearms manipulation. There are several models to choose from, mimicking micro-compact pistols such as the Smith & Wesson Shield, Glock 43 and SIG P365.

The SIRT pistol is a useful tool for training in addition to live-fire shooting. It will enable you to dry-fire practice at home as well as run drills that ranges might not allow (i.e. drawing from the holster or shooting from the ground).

SIRT Training

However, just picking up a SIRT pistol doesn’t make you an expert in drills and training. That’s where the USCCA’s new program can help. SIRT inventor Mike Hughes provided his expert knowledge to assist us in creating this training for you. Hughes has singular exclusive insight into not only the workings of the tool but also how to apply the tool for maximum benefit and growth.

The USCCA’s Next Level Training course will teach you how to identify errors in your shooting, develop better trigger control, improve your grip, practice your stance, improve your confidence and much more.

The course covers not only how to use a SIRT to improve your technique but also guides the learner through Hughes’ personal style of shooting. His technique differs from other instructors. Students can adopt Hughes’ technique or simply apply the principles to another technique. There is flexibility in how to use the wealth of knowledge that users will gain.

The USCCA’s course on Next Level Training will be available soon.

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