On January 18th, members and supporters of Virginia Citizens Defense League bonded together near the Richmond, VA clock tower near the state capitol to rally to voice one simple fact: GUNS SAVE LIVES.
Supporters included a survivor of the 2008 mall shooting in Tukwila, WA who knows exactly the dangers of having gun-free zones that leave law-abiding citizens defenseless when guns are in the hands of criminals. Shaneen Allen was also in attendance, a CCW holder and mom who was incarcerated after accidentally carrying her firearm from Pennsylvania to New Jersey.
Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves thanked the Second Amendment supporters and added “that he never felt safer on capitol grounds” while several of the citizens were carrying their guns.
Read more about this great group of supporters that are striving to make a difference: http://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2016/01/20/second-amendment-supporters-flood-richmond-to-tell-virginia-lawmakers-one-thing-guns-save-live-n2106734?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad=
Speak to your local state representative to discuss the matters close to you. There are more Second Amendment supporters out there than you think.
Remember, being responsibly armed means knowing when and where you are allowed to carry. Check your state’s concealed carry laws with our FREE Concealed Carry Map download: