As a responsibly armed American, you already know how challenging it can be to stay up to date on gun laws.
Idaho gun owners, you’re in luck. We’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked firearms questions from your state. Read on for answers to some of the top questions regarding Idaho gun laws. (Not from Idaho? Check the Legal & Second Amendment tab for your state!)
Do You Need a Gun Permit in Idaho?
No. No permit is needed to purchase a firearm from a private individual. No background check is required, there is no waiting period, and there is no firearms registration in Idaho. Background checks are required if you’re purchasing a handgun from a licensed federal firearms dealer. However, an Idaho Concealed Weapons License (CWL) exempts the holder from the federal requirement of a background check prior to purchase of a firearm.
Idaho gun laws allow any state resident who is at least 18 years old and not otherwise disqualified from being issued a license to concealed carry a firearm without a permit. The age limit for constitutional carry within city limits was reduced to 18 years old as of July 1, 2019.
Can a Non-Resident Carry a Gun in Idaho?
Yes. Open carry is legal in Idaho for anyone at least 18 years old who can legally possess a firearm. In addition, any U.S. citizen over the age of 18 who can legally possess a firearm, may lawfully carry a concealed firearm for self-defense without a permit.
Can You Carry a Gun in a Bar in Idaho?
Yes. There is no statute that makes concealed carry illegal in Idaho bars. However, any private business can post signs prohibiting the carrying of weapons on its premises. Also, it is illegal to carry a firearm any place while intoxicated or under the influence of an intoxicating drink or drug.
Can a Washington Resident Buy a Gun in Idaho?
Yes. A Washington resident can purchase a handgun in any state. However, that resident can only take possession of the handgun from a licensed federal firearms dealer in the state of Washington. So the firearm would need to be sent to the Washington FFL.
Is Idaho a ‘Stand Your Ground’ State?
Yes. Idaho is a Castle Doctrine state and has a “stand your ground” law. A person may defend himself or herself against intruders who enter the defender’s home, place of business or vehicle unlawfully or by force without the defender having to demonstrate that he or she reasonably feared that the intruder was about to cause death or great bodily harm.
How Old Do You Have to Be in Idaho to Get a Gun License?
The minimum age to carry concealed weapons in Idaho is 21. Idaho issues Concealed Weapons Licenses (CWL) to residents and non-residents. Concealed carry permits require a firearms training course that has been state-approved or experience with a firearm through participation in an organized shooting competition or military service. There is also an option of obtaining an enhanced CWL, which is intended to allow a permit holder to carry in more states than the standard CWL.
Can You Carry a Gun in Your Car in Idaho?
Yes, anyone at least 18 years old who can legally possess a firearm may carry a handgun in a vehicle without a permit.
Ready to Learn More About Idaho Gun Laws?
It is your responsibility as a gun owner to know and understand the laws regarding your concealed carry rights. The USCCA’s Concealed Carry Reciprocity & Gun Laws Map has been designed to help inform and educate armed citizens like you. To learn more about Idaho’s concealed carry permit application process, concealed carry restrictions and training requirements, visit the Idaho gun laws page now…
The information contained on this website is provided as a service to USCCA, Inc. members and the concealed carry community and does not constitute legal advice. Although we attempt to address all areas of concealed carry laws in all states, we make no claims, representations, warranties, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information disclosed. Legal advice must always be tailored to the individual facts and circumstances of each individual case. Laws are constantly changing, and, as such, nothing contained on this website should be used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer.