You know what a “go” bag is, do you not?

I won’t assume. A “go” bag is that bag full of gear that will help you survive when things go bad. The concept comes from the military, where some units needed to have bags packed at all times. The call comes in; the soldiers grab their bags and get on a plane to the next hot spot.

But since most of us are a little bit more “Meal Team Six” than we are SEAL Team Six, our needs are different. A big bag of survival gear is great if you are headed to the hills to escape societal breakdown, but the reality is much different.

You might face civil unrest. We saw it in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore. You will very likely not be headed for the hills. Chances are really good you will be headed home to protect your family.

So rather than have a “go bag,” you might consider creating a “get home” bag. This is a bag of goodies designed to help you get away from danger and, ideally, back to your loved ones.

Considerations when creating your “get home” bag should include, but not be limited to, the idea that you will be using this bag only when things have gone really bad. This is not your EDC (everyday carry) gear. This is riot gear. This is natural disaster gear. This is what you will reach for when your concealed carry pistol and a spare magazine will not be enough to get you out of trouble.

What follows is a proposed checklist of items you may want to include in your “get home” bag:

  • A full-sized pistol, fully loaded with two spare magazines
  • Extra ammo
  • An individual trauma kit (we will talk more about this below)
  • Spare set of keys
  • Flashlight with spare batteries
  • Knife
  • Spare pair of eyeglasses
  • Any required medication
  • Emergency cash
  • A multi-tool
  • Matches or a lighter
  • 50-feet of paracord
  • 20-ounce bottle of water
  • Lightweight rain poncho

In a “get home” situation, you will likely be moving through what can only be described as hostile territory. If you are facing civil unrest, you will want to be moving away from crowds and avoiding contact with people who may be hostile.

Regardless of what you need to do to get home to your family, you will need the tools to complete the job. Stock your kit with the things you will need to help you navigate back home. Your bag should be something that attaches to you with a shoulder strap or straps. A backpack is fine. So is a messenger bag or something else with a shoulder strap and a secure location to store your gun.

Keep your “get home” bag in a place where it will be safe and secure, but accessible. A locked file cabinet in your workplace is a good option. No one needs to know what it is except you. When you need it, you will have it.


Want to get your own Bug-Out Bag? Click here to learn more!