USCCA Firearms & Self-Defense Blog
Home Protection
Be prepared to protect your home with whatever means necessary — be it an alarm system, guard dog or firearm — with a surplus of resources and detailed articles on how to ensure you and your family are prepared in the event of a home invasion.
Recent Home Protection Articles
Searching for a New Home? Think About Home Security
No home can be made completely burglar-proof. If someone is willing to risk his or her life and liberty, he or she will get in. However, a less determined “target of opportunity” burglar can be deterr[…]
Continue Reading →Is the AR-15 the Best Home-Defense Gun?
Without a doubt, the AR-15 platform is becoming increasingly popular. It’s now finding its way into the hands of people for use primarily as a home-defense option. And it can be an ideal tool for home[…]
Continue Reading →7 Things to Consider When Choosing a Home-Defense Firearm
So you’ve committed to defending your home, and a firearm seems like the best choice. There is a lot to consider. Here are some important things to keep in mind as you begin choosing a home-defense fi[…]
Continue Reading →Firearms in Houses of Worship … What You Can Do
Recent attacks on synagogues, churches and mosques have brought into painfully sharp focus the fact that people of all faiths need to consider adopting defensive measures for the places they congregat[…]
Continue Reading →The Top 3 Considerations When Purchasing a Home-Security System
In 1988, a physician in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, installed a new alarm system at his practice. It had an exciting new feature: motion detection. This seemed like a great idea. However, it was so sensitive […]
Continue Reading →Do You Have Enough Ammo?
My wife and I have started watching a Netflix series about “preppers.” As it turns out, we did not fully realize the extent of the strategies and varieties of prepping before the first 44-minute episo[…]
Continue Reading →Creating a Home-Security Plan
Planning is a crucial component in maintaining the safety and security of your home. However, you must also keep in mind that nothing ever goes exactly as planned. The same holds true for even the tig[…]
Continue Reading →The Best Way to Deter Problems at Night
Not all self-defense incidents happen during the day. In fact, most problems occur at night. A flashlight is one of the best tools you can use to search and identify potential threats. Watch this vide[…]
Continue Reading →The First Step in Protecting Your Church
The first step in solving a problem is admitting you have a problem. What if the people around you don’t see the problem or disagree about the problem? How can you bridge that gap? How do point out a […]
Continue Reading →How to Choose a Home-Defense Rifle
Choosing a home-defense rifle is more complex than choosing a home-defense pistol. This is because any pistol used for concealed carry can also be used for home defense. The home-defense rifle has a d[…]
Continue Reading →Choosing a Home-Defense Shotgun
Anyone who is serious about defending themselves, their home and their family in these perilous times ought to have — at the least — a home-defense shotgun. So that we are all on the same page, for me[…]
Continue Reading →How to Choose a Gun Safe for Home Defense
Let’s dispel one myth immediately: Gun safes are for everyone, not just people with children. A safe keeps your guns secure from thieves, protects them from fire and keeps them out of unauthorized han[…]
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