Carrying a firearm for self-defense comes with a lot of responsibility. Knowing the laws where you carry is just one important task you must undertake as an armed American. To help with that, we will be providing you with a summary of basic carry laws for several states. Learn about the most important things to know when carrying in Oregon below.
Getting a Concealed Carry Permit
Open carry is legal in Oregon without a license. However, local cities and counties are authorized to place restrictions on who may open carry in public places (which includes vehicles). The minimum age is 18 years old.
Concealed carry is legal only with an Oregon Concealed Handgun License (CHL). Oregon CHLs require an applicant to be at least 21 years of age and demonstrate competence with a handgun. This can be validated by taking an approved firearms training course or participating in organized shooting competition or by military experience. Non-residents who live in contiguous states may apply for a CHL. In terms of reciprocity, Oregon does not honor permits from any other states.
No permit is required to purchase a firearm. With limited exceptions, private-party firearms transfers must be conducted through a federally licensed firearms dealer (FFL) while both parties are present. The FFL is required by federal law to conduct a background check and keep a record of the sale. The Oregon State Police keep records of all gun sales from firearms dealers for five years. There is no mandatory waiting period for handguns. A person must be at least 18 years old to possess or transport a handgun in Oregon.
Oregon does not restrict handgun magazine capacity. It is illegal to possess Teflon-coated handgun ammunition or handgun ammunition coated with any chemical compound with properties similar to Teflon and which is intended to penetrate soft body armor for any person with the intent to use the ammunition in the commission of a felony.
An individual may carry a personal-protection pepper spray device, stun gun or Taser, as all are legal to purchase and possess without a permit. However, a person can be charged with a crime for recklessly discharging pepper spray against another person.
Where Can One Concealed Carry?
In terms of locations where a concealed handgun may be carried, there is no prohibition on carrying loaded handguns in a vehicle, however, a loaded handgun must not be concealed and readily accessible. A handgun is considered readily accessible if it is in the passenger compartment of the vehicle. For a vehicle with no storage location that is outside the passenger compartment of the vehicle, a handgun is considered not readily accessible if it is stored in a closed and locked glove compartment, center console or other container. However, local governments can set their own laws on public places, which includes vehicles in public areas. There is no duty to inform a law enforcement officer that you’re carrying a concealed firearm unless the officer asks.
Other areas where permit holders can carry concealed are:
- Restaurants and bars (unless posted)
- Roadside rest areas
- State/national parks
- State/national forests
- Wildlife Management Areas
- Public buildings, including hospitals, Capitol buildings, public or private schools, and colleges or universities* (court facilities are excluded)
- Places of worship (unless posted)
Locations where concealed carry is prohibited even for permit holders include:
- Court facilities (although the presiding judge of a judicial district or a municipal court may enter an order permitting the possession of specified weapons in a court facility)
- Oregon Department of Corrections facilities
- Racetracks
- Posted private businesses or private property
- National parks/forests marked or posted with signs prohibiting all firearms
- Secured areas of airports
- Indian reservations or property
- Any place where the carrying of firearms is prohibited by federal law
*Note: The definition of public buildings includes colleges and universities as well as the adjacent grounds, and, by statute, concealed carry permit holders are allowed to carry in them. However, all seven state colleges and universities (including most community colleges) have internal policies banning firearms on the properties.
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The information contained on this website is provided as a service to USCCA, Inc. members and the concealed carry community and does not constitute legal advice. Although we attempt to address all areas of concealed carry laws in all states, we make no claims, representations, warranties, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information disclosed. Legal advice must always be tailored to the individual facts and circumstances of each individual case. Laws are constantly changing, and, as such, nothing contained on this website should be used as a substitute for the advice of a lawyer.