Duty to Inform

If state or local law imposes a duty to inform, you are required to disclose the presence of your firearm upon making contact with law enforcement. There are 12 states, along with the District of Columbia, that require you to inform immediately upon contact with law enforcement. There are also an additional 12 states with laws that stipulate you must notify only when asked by law enforcement. Some states have no duty to inform laws at all.

  • Although California has no duty to inform law at the state level, there are localities that have duty to inform requirements.
  • Maine and North Dakota are hybrids. You have a duty to inform if carrying without a permit in these states, but not if you are carrying concealed with a permit.
  • You should also be prepared to produce your concealed carry permit to verify you are carrying legally — except in constitutional carry states.
  • It is your responsibility to know the duty to inform requirements of the locality in which you reside as well as those through which you travel.
Duty To Inform
No. Only When Asked
No Duty To Inform

*Maine — Yes, if carrying without a permit. No, if you are concealed carrying with a permit.

*North Dakota — Yes, if a North Dakota resident constitutionally carrying without a permit. No, with a concealed carry permit.

*Ohio — When SB 215 goes into effect beginning on June 12, 2022, you will no longer be required to inform a law enforcement officer that you’re carrying unless he or she asks.

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