Michael Mack

Instructor # 3489009 |

Certified with the USCCA since 12/12/2023

Certification Renewal Date 12/12/2025

Has Certified Instructors

Cudahy, WI, 53110


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense


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1 Reviews

What Students Are Saying

  • Rating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star largeRating star large

    Class taken on Sat, Jan. 27, 2024
    |Taught by

    "The class focused more on what I would call 'handgun 101' than on than the concealed carrying of a weapon. Because of that, when it came to the practical and legal issues we should have been reviewing, there was very little time left to dive into and educate ourselves on those topics. In my opinion basic handgun knowledge such as revolver vs semi-auto, what is a bullet, how to hold a firearm, etc should all be a pre-requisite before even contemplating carrying one. Two of the three hours in the classroom were wasted on that handgun 101 stuff. I would have appreciated more detail, practicum and knowledge on actually carrying a weapon."

    Submitted on Tues, Feb. 27, 2024 by .