Brendan Weimholt

Instructor # 2731249 | Saint Michael Training

Certified with the USCCA since 11/20/2022

Certification Renewal Date 11/20/2025

Colleyville, TX, 76034


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense

My Biography

Weimy is a 20-year retired veteran of the U.S. Navy SEALs. Throughout his military career he completed 6 deployments, led the SEAL sniper school as Course Manager and ran multiple phases at Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training including Hell Week as a Senior Enlisted Advisor. He has earned among other awards the Army Commendation Medal with valor, multiple Bronze Stars with valor and a Purple Heart for shrapnel wounds received in Fallujah, Iraq. He has led over 200 special-forces missions in many combat zones across the globe. In 2012 he starred himself as a sniper in the action film Act of Valor. In 2014 he launched Weimy Cutlery, a hand forged cutlery company. Weimy is a highly sought-after craftsman currently working on his Journeyman rating with the American Bladesmith Society. He holds a Bachelor of Science in economics and is active in multiple non-profit organizations around the country benefiting veterans and first responders alike.


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