Roman Kourinnoi
Instructor # 727499 | Vulcan Inc
9 Reviews
What Students Are Saying
Class taken on Sun, Sep. 10, 2023
|Taught byInstructors
"Great class!"
Submitted on Tues, Sep. 12, 2023 by Kimberly B.
Class taken on Sun, Sep. 10, 2023
|Taught byInstructors
Submitted on Mon, Sep. 11, 2023 by Mandy S.
Class taken on Sun, Sep. 10, 2023
|Taught byInstructors
"I volunteered to play a "victim" for this class, ya know as something fun and different to do. I didn't expect to learn so much valuable info. Roman was a great instructor! Learned a lot, and loved being a volunteer. Looking forward to the next class!"
Submitted on Mon, Sep. 11, 2023 by .