Matthew Whalen

Instructor # 1768006 | Citizens' Defense Academy

Certified with the USCCA since 10/31/2023

Certification Renewal Date 10/31/2025

, OH,


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense
  • Emergency & First Aid

My Biography

Matthew “Pat” Whalen spent his first 16 years in the US Navy, where he was an Explosives Ordnance Disposal (EOD)/Diver and Gunners Mate (GM), and his last 15 years in the Air Guard where he retired as an Intelligence Superintendent and was the Anti-terrorism Subject Matter Expert (SME). As a GM on his EOD Detachment, he was trained and became the Small Arms and Marksmanship Instructor (SAMI). Pat also worked for a couple of years in law enforcement and nuclear security. In addition to having been trained with a wide variety of firearms, tactics, and techniques, Pat was also a Monadnock Expandable Baton (MEB) instructor. He continues to pursue training in various martial arts disciplines and is currently certified as a Mace pepper spray instructor, USCCA, NRA, and Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor in addition to being a Certified Gunsmith. To view a listing of courses offered visit:, or to request a course not on the schedule or the website contact Pat at [email protected] or 570-418-0557.


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