Miguel “Kumu” Haynes
Instructor # 1423177 | Basics Work
USCCA Certifications
- Range Safety Officer
My Biography
Basics Work is dedicated to teaching situational awareness, self defense and defense tactics, giving you that edge needed to make it home safe. Miguel "Kumu" Haynes is the Founder and Chief Instructor of Basics Work and Founder/President of Menthu Warrior Gun Club, the Henderson Nevada chapter of the National African American Gun Association (NAAGA). Kumu is a highly skilled practitioner/teacher of martial arts which includes firearms safety and use, and veteran of the United States Army (AIRBORNE).
Miguel (Kumu) Haynes training and background includes:
42+ years martial arts
Inducted to the Masters Hall of Fame (2003 Pioneer Award)
11 years U.S. Army (Airborne Infantry / LRSD)
Strike Force Training (1st Special Forces Group)
West Coast Tactical Level 1 Tactical Handgun (Self defense shooting)
TFTT Direct Action Group Tactical Pistol Levels:
- I The foundation of Tactical pistol operations
- II intermediate techniques and skill building
- III Advanced marksmanship and pistol operations
- Combat Arts Seminar
US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) Certified Firearms Instructor
US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) Certified Range Safety Officer
Completed US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) Emergency First Aid Fundamentals