Marlon Huddleston
Instructor # 2088569 | IntegriCorp
Certified with the USCCA since 8/22/2020
Certification Renewal Date 8/15/2025
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
- Countering the Mass Shooter
- Emergency & First Aid
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals - Training Counselor
My Biography
US Army Master Marksmanship Trainer (AR-15) Range Master Instructor Development Certification USCCA Certified Training Counselor USCCA Certified Instructor NAAGA Basic Pistol Instructor NRA Certified Range Safety Officer United States Army Instructor United States Army Drill Sergeant Tactical Casualty Combat Care Instructor AR15/M4 Marksmanship Instructor Pistol Marksmanship Instructor
IntegriCorp exist to empower people with the knowledge, skills and abilities to protect and defend the ones they lead, love and live with. Educate, Train, and Empower!