Demetrisse Harris
Instructor # 1241599 | Monarch Defense Systems
Certified with the USCCA since 8/1/2021
Certification Renewal Date 8/1/2025
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
My Biography
Thank you for selecting my class during your search to further improve yourself in firearms training friend!!! Just to give you a brief idea of who I am and what to expect, I currently work in the Federal Protective Services Division as an Instructor for firearms, screening, defensive tactics, OC/Baton, and other areas. I have been actively shooting for sport and work related for over 20 years and coaching for approx 20 years. I am known in the area as the informal "prep expert" to assist local law enforcement officers, armed security officers and other critical personnel prepare for various qualifications and general skill building with both rifles and handguns. I've decided to bring my expertise to the public domain so I can help develop safe, confident, and highly skilled firearm owners and spread all the knowledge and joy that I've gained over the years to anyone that wishes to learn. My goal is to create and maintain a SAFE, FUN, INFORMATIVE learning environment for you build your skills at all times. All I require is your attention and willingness to learn and I promise you will leave felling confident and well informed. We will be active so be prepared to share and demonstrate with me as we both learn together. Thank you again.