Michael Ennis
Instructor # 3117895 |
USCCA Certifications
- Defensive Shooting
10 Reviews
What Students Are Saying
Class taken on Sat, Dec. 2, 2023
|Taught by"Great instructors made the class easy to understand and were very open to discussion. Generally being a male-dominated class, they kept everything on an even keel and, as a woman, I didn't feel as though I was being ignored or talked down to at any point. I'd recommend that more women get involved in shooting classes here and not be concerned that you'll simply be a fly-on-the-wall. Better your skills and engage!"
Submitted on Tues, Dec. 5, 2023 by Jean Dianne S.
Class taken on Sat, Dec. 2, 2023
|Taught by"Excellent 2-day course. Both my husband and I took the course and will be back for training. "
Submitted on Mon, Dec. 4, 2023 by Golnar M.
Class taken on Sat, Dec. 2, 2023
|Taught by"It was so much to learn, but the instructors were great at teaching. It was a pleasure taking this class."
Submitted on Mon, Dec. 4, 2023 by Michael Henry M.