Steven Hall

Instructor # 442801 | SH Pistol Defense Training

Certified with the USCCA since 5/19/2019

Certification Renewal Date 10/6/2025

Has Certified Instructors

Meredosia, IL, 62665


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USCCA Certifications

  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense
  • Women's Handgun & Self-Defense
  • Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals - Training Counselor
  • Countering the Mass Shooter

My Biography

I am a life-long resident of the small Midwestern Illinois village of Meredosia. The town sets on the banks of the Illinois River at mile 70.8; about half way between St. Louis and Peoria. I come from a lineage of avid outdoors-men, including grandfathers on both sides of my family who commercially fished, hunted, and trapped for their sole income. The desire for outdoors and shooting sports carried over from them, through my father, to me. I have been shooting guns since I was old enough to pull the trigger while dad held the gun. I’ve been using them on my own hunting wildlife and shooting recreational, over 55 years.

After Illinois passed legislation legalizing concealed carry, I became keenly interested in the self-defense aspect of firearms and quickly became a devoted student learning all I could on the subject. I love teaching and have been doing so for over 40 years; teaching Bible, personal finances, and music in group settings and seminars, so it came to no surprise to me or anyone who knows me that my interest in firearms and using them defensively would eventually be added to my teaching repertoire.

I am currently a certified NRA Training Counselor teaching the basic student, as well as instructor candidates in the disciplines of NRA Basic Pistol, Personal Protection in the Home, Personal Protection Outside the Home, Rifle, Shotgun, NRA Chief Range Safety Officer, Refuse to Be a Victim, and Metallic Cartridge and Shotgun Shell Reloading. I am also a Certified Illinois and Utah Concealed Carry instructor and Certified USCCA instructor.

My goal is to continue my education and teach others how to protect themselves and their loved ones with handguns.


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