Jonathan Eddy
Instructor # 1203903 | Eddybigguns Firearms Training
23 Reviews
What Students Are Saying
Class taken on Mon, Oct. 16, 2023
|Taught by"Awesome class and instructor "
Submitted on Thur, Oct. 19, 2023 by William W.
Class taken on Sun, Oct. 15, 2023
|Taught by"Jonathan Eddy was our instructor for the CCL course, and to say he was thorough and knowledgeable would be an understatement. Jon spent several hours with us, walking us through gun safety, the laws, how to handle guns and other topics. Our class consisted of folks very unfamiliar to avid uses, and throughout Jon took time to answer each question, in detail and in a manner that was easily digestible. He is an utmost professional, who is meticulous and personable. I highly recommend his as an instructor. "
Submitted on Thur, Oct. 19, 2023 by Ravi B.
Class taken on Mon, Oct. 16, 2023
|Taught bySubmitted on Thur, Oct. 19, 2023 by .