Chris Sharp
Instructor # 3091072 |
Certified with the USCCA since 5/25/2023
Certification Renewal Date 5/25/2025
USCCA Certifications
- Concealed Carry & Home Defense
21 Reviews
What Students Are Saying
Class taken on Sat, Feb. 17, 2024
|Taught by"Great Trainers. Learned a lot. "
Submitted on Mon, Jun. 3, 2024 by Shelly S.
Class taken on Sat, Apr. 13, 2024
|Taught by"The class was NOT Illinois CCL 16 hour. It was the 4 hour renewal. Best renewal class my wife and I ever took. It was a privilege and empowering to learn from professionals. When Illinois begrudgingly granted concealed carry licenses ten years ago (last state in America to do so), my wife, Christine, and I immediately applied. Given the statutory five year expiry date, we renewed after taking the required four hour course from the same instructors and re-qualifying on the pistol range. The course was less than satisfactory, as the content was merely a rehash of the original material when our licenses were granted. Time goes by and another five year renewal is imminent. This time, we chose a new educational team from Guardian Concepts led by John Haberkamp and are extremely happy we did. They didn't waste our time with old information, but launched immediately into outlining new statutory changes (enacted and pending) while clarifying misconceptions disseminated by those with superficial knowledge of the pertinent laws, rules and regulations. The presentation was augmented with guidance from experts whose experience helped the class to focus on the factual, hard realities of protecting ourselves and others within the context of an unfriendly and occasionally contradictory legal system. This was the finest renewal class my wife and I have ever taken. Would highly recommend to anyone and everyone who wants to prepare themselves for the harsh realities we face today."
Submitted on Sat, May. 18, 2024 by Paul D.
Class taken on Sat, Apr. 13, 2024
|Taught bySubmitted on Sat, May. 18, 2024 by Marvin D.