Carrie Zevetchin
Instructor # 2374532 |
32 Reviews
What Students Are Saying
Class taken on Sat, Apr. 1, 2023
|Taught by"Excellent course. Very informative could not have been happier with the course. We had one - one training at the range they were informative and patient with all of the students. I left tired after a long day but encouraged in my fire arm journey. "
Submitted on Sun, Apr. 2, 2023 by Pam N.
"I am so proud of you and the journey you are on. Please let me know if you need any help!!!"
Submitted on Fri, Sep. 8, 2023
Class taken on Sat, Mar. 11, 2023
|Taught by"She is awesome! She was willing to work with deaf people and taught us well! Thankful for her being our instructor! You rocks! "
Submitted on Tues, Mar. 14, 2023 by Diana T.
"Thank you!! We were so excited to reach out and help the Deaf community. Y’all were AUsome!!!!"
Submitted on Wed, Mar. 15, 2023
Class taken on Sat, Feb. 25, 2023
|Taught bySubmitted on Tues, Feb. 28, 2023 by .